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Our focal brand: Amazon Echo Amazon Echo Get started with these links for information relevant to the exam questions! https://www.fastcompany.

Our focal brand: Amazon Echo

Amazon Echo

Get started with these links for information relevant to the exam questions!




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1.Briefly, in 500 words or less, bring me up to date. What do you see as the most important marketing issues or challenges involved here, and why? (worth up to 20 points)

2.Define brand equity and its four components (as described in your text) as it relates to our focal brand. Support your answer with evidence from our class material regarding brand equity. (worth up to 30 pts)

3.Distinguish between the concepts of value and satisfaction. How can the concepts of consumer satisfaction be applied to our focal brand? Support your answer with evidence from our class material regarding value and consumer satisfaction. (worth up to 30 pts)

4.According to critics, marketers encourage consumers to spend more money than they should on goods and services they really do not need. Might those marketers say this regarding our focal brand? What is your opinion of this debate, and why?

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Discuss, take a stance and defend your position, using our focal brand, other real products and services, course material, and your own experiences to support your answer. (worth up to 20 pts)

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