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Overview: This week we learned about the idea of participating in leadership. For this assignment, you will write a paper about participative management and effective delegation and the factors that
This week we learned about the idea of participating in leadership. For this assignment, you will write a paper about participative management and effective delegation and the factors that can affect the success of these techniques.
• Use the resources in this Unit, as well as outside research, to describe participative management and effective delegation.
• Think of an organization that you are currently involved in or have been involved in in the past.
o How are the concepts of participative management and effective delegation used at this organization?
o Does the culture of the organization contribute to the use of these concepts? Explain.
o Describe any instances in this organization where participative management and effective delegation have brought up moral or ethical dilemmas.
How were these issues solved?
What steps were taken for making decisions in these instances?
o What effects do you think the use of participative management and effective delegation has had on employee engagement?
o What effects have these techniques had on organizational performance?
• Develop a clear introduction with a thesis, a body, and a conclusion. Focus on the quality of the content, as opposed to length.
• Research and include at least one additional, credible reference from an outside source.
• Use APA formatting for the cover page, citations, and reference page. No abstract is required.
- Schoemaker, P. J. H., Krupp, S., & Howland, S. (2013). Strategic Leadership: The Essential Skills. Harvard Business Review, 91(1/2), 131–134.
- Biscontini, T. (2020). Transactional leadership. Salem Press Encyclopedia.
- Stevenson, J., Hyter, M., & Orr, E. (2020). The Power of All. NACD Directorship, 46(1), 33–37.
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************* ********** and Effective ********** ********************************** management and ********* ********** ************ Having ***** ******* management ******** as the ************ ** **** as customer-minded ********** for ********** (Thamizhmanii ***** Hasan2010) ******* ********* *********** teamwork ************ ********** plus participative ********** ***** ******* ********** traces **** the ********** ***** *** *********** *** ******* **** the *********** approaches ** *** ******** ************ ************ (Zakuan ** ** ***** This has ********* *** ****** *** ********* ******* ******** ************** ***** ***** 2010) **** ******* in *** ******** ** ************* ******** trust ******* ********** plus culture *** *** *********** of ******* ****** ***** Aspinwall ************* ****** ***** ************* management **** *** attitude ** the ********** **** sharing ** *** ***** ******* setting practices ***** depend on *** ***** ************* management style ** *** 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Education ************ A ****** ************* Journal ** ******** Research ** ******** *** ****** Sciences ***** *******