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OverviewThis discussion will help you explore various entertainment and sports contracts and licensing deals that have inspired discussions in and out of the industry. From sports contracts, to music

OverviewThis discussion will help you explore various entertainment and sports contracts and licensing deals that have inspired discussions in and out of the industry. From sports contracts, to music and film, there are no shortages of contracts that generate debate over the merits of the agreement.Please note: Your Initial Post is due by Wednesday at 11:59 pm PT. The Class Discussion remains open after the Wednesday deadline for yourReply Posts, which are due by Sunday at 11:59 pm PT.Initial PostChoose one of the articles below and read it: Video Game Voice Actors May Go On Strike Inside YouTube's Controversial Contract with Indies Nike Gives Controversial Sprinter Sponsorship DealShare your thoughts on the questions below. Research is not required, but if you represent the thoughts, ideas, words, or images of others, be sure to give credit and cite your sources by indicating the author, date, title, and website link where this information was found.Discuss the following: What surprised you the most about the agreement discussed in the article? Whywere you surprised? What did you find most interesting? Which parts did you think are debatable and why? Thinking back to your week 1 project, which contract did you choose to work with? What strength did you find the most compelling? Which weakness bothered you the most? Explain your choices.

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