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Paper on leadership training in developing countries and the benefits of using internet tools. Your essay must be NOT less than 1000 words. Your paper must be a correct APA format, use proper grammar

Paper on leadership training in developing countries and the benefits of using internet tools

Your essay must be NOT less than 1000 words.

Your paper must be a correct APA format, use proper grammar, and will need to include at three (3) resources, ALL of which must:

1) Be current. Published within the last few years, but not older than 2014.

2) Be peer-reviewed.

3) Relate directly to Information Technology in a Global Economy.

Every resource you choose must be peer-reviewed. That means the paper must have undergone a formal peer review before being published in a journal or presented at a conference. You must ensure that your resources have undergone rigorous revisions. In most cases, you can find out the review process for a meeting or journal by visiting the appropriate web site. Do not merely assume that a resource is peer reviewed - check it out.

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*************** ******** of ******** *** ** ********** ******** ** ********** countriesName of student:Institution ** Affiliation:         IntroductionEconomic ****** ** **** ** ************* *********** *** **** ** *** *********** ********* by ********** countries The ******* **** *** ******* face challenges ** ********** *** ******* give *** leaders *** ******* ** making the ****** ********** *** democratic as **** ** ******** ****** **** positively ****** *** country **** ******** ******** individuals on ******* ******* **** ****** *** ******* ********** *** *** * ******* ****** ** ********** ********* ********** has **** reflected ** *** presence ** *** ******** which ****** * ******* **** ** ********** ******** Training ******* ** ********** ********* *** take *** approach *** ******** ** the ******** *** ******* virtual platforms for ********** ******** The ******* ******* ******* which training *** be done ***** from ***** emails *** ***** ****** ***** platforms *** ********* ** technology *** ********** *** ******** *********** during the ******** period **** & Kodwani 2018) **** **** ***** ******* to ******* *** benefit ** *** ******** ** leadership ********************* internet *** **** communication much **** *********** *** *********** forms of ************* *** ******* ******* ** ********** ******** ****** *** ******** ** technology *** ********** countries ****** ** ************ forms ** ************* This *** ** ****** on various activities in ******* *** instance ********** ******** ***** **** ** ******** when there ** ***** ************* **** ***** ** **** ***** ** ****** ** ******* ******* were sent ** ******* ******* *** were **** ********* to ******* ***** attendance ** ********** ** such an ******** tells **** the ******* took **** time than expected *** developing countries ***** **** challenges ** organizing ********** ******** ** ** ****** *** *** ******* ** be ***** ** response *** ******** ** the ******** *** ******** communication *** *** ** ***** *** ******* it just ******** ** ***** ** achieve *** required ******** *** ******** ** *** internet has **** ************* ** be quite ****** when ******** *** ********** a leadership training summit ******* Skok & **** ***** **** the presence ** the ******** has **** communication ** ********** ******** ** ** ***** ******* ***** ** *** ******** ** leadership ******** ********* **** *** technological advancements in the ********** ********* *** ***** ************** *** *********** class learning ********** **** ***** expensive ** opposed ** ****** learning approaches ********* *** internet has made ********** training ** ** done ********* ** ********* ** **** and ******* *** ***** **** ***** ** ******** in ****** from *** ***** ** ******* ********* ***** ******* **** from their ***** ** **** ** **** at *** designated **** **** **** ******** With *** **** ** the ******** ******** *** **** **** dynamic and flexible The time ***** ** **** **** *** location ** the ***** *** ** ********* ** other ***** ** ********** ** **** * scenario the ****** ** ******** ** ** ***** ** *** **** ***** one *** ********* enter the platform **** ********** through ***** **** **** communication *** ********** ******** ** ** ********* **** ********* have ********* **** ****** training ****** ** ***** ********* ** * *** of maximizing ************ (Zoroja **** ***** **** ***** Thus online leadership ******** ** **** expensive **** the traditional ******** methodPerformance *** ************ ****** ** ** *** *** ***** **** have benefited **** *** ****** ******** ****** Leadership ******** **** ************ *** internet ** considered *********** ***** *** use ** *** ******** in ******** ***** *** leaders the ****** **** **** *** *** ** ******** situations and ********* ************ **** leaders of *** ****** *** techniques in ********** it ***** ** ********** **** ********** **** **** ** the workplace The ******** ** *** ******** *** *** ** ******** ****** ** it has ****** ** ******** *********** *** online ******** approach enables ** ********** ** ***** ****** on how to ****** issues Additionally *** *** ** *** ******** *** ******* leaders ** **** guidance **** the ******** ** various issues **** affect developing ********* ******** ** *** **** ** ********** *** **** the ********* ** ****** *** ********** ***** that ***** *** been an *********** in *** ******* The ********* ** online ********* *** made ** easy for ******** ******* as **** *** enhance their skills through *** *** of *** internet ****** ***** ** ***** 2019) **** ******** ******** in ********** ********* *** ******** *** *********** ** *** *************** ******** in ********** ********* *** **** ****** ** information ** be **** *** instance **** a ********** ****** *** **** ********** ** *** ***** ** ********* **** the ******** sites ********* *********** at *** **** gives **** ******** the *********** ******** For ******* a ****** *** *** miss *** ** a ********** ******** ******* *** utilize *** ******** ** **** * **** ** ** *** ******** of YouTube and ***** ****** ***** ********* can **** ******* such ******** **** *** ** **** *************** the ******** **** the ********* ***** ******** ** ********** *** ****** *** ** * ******* *** ***** recover ** ***** internet ***** ********* ******* *********** ****** training *** ***** *** leaders ********** **** *** learn *** to act ** *** ********* ********** ***** *** ******* ** ********* ***** *********** during *** ***** ******** ***** *** ********* of *** ******** among ********** ***************** ********** and ********* are **** ** *** ******** **** ********** ********* get through the *** ** *** internet ** ********** *** wants ** learn about a ******* ** ****** *** use the ******** Companies have ********* ** **** ***** of * company *** the ways of ********** ********** ********* **** have IT ***** management ******** *** ******** ** ** ***** ** ******** *** ******* *** ********** ******** *** *** in ************ ***** for *********** The act ** ********* ** *** ***** hand occurs **** *** *********** is ******* through internet ***** ********** ********* **** immensely grown as ****** ***** of *** ******* to *** to improve *** economy **** ***** ******* 2018) When *********** ** ************* ****** for *** ** improves *** current ********* ** a developing countryConclusionTraining ********** ***** communication as well ** ************ *** *********** ****** to be *** ******** areas **** ********** ********* **** ********* ** the ******** ** *** internet *** ******* *** ********* the ******** Thus *** ******** ** the ******** when ********** leadership ******** ** ********** ********* ****** to ** * masterstroke ** *** ******************************************** K ***** te Velde * W ****** ********* ********** ********* *** the future ** ***** ************* skills-ecosystem ** * digital ****** * A ***** ******* * * (2018) Employee Training and *********** 7e *********** EducationSchieffer * (2016) The ******** *** ******** ** ******* ************* among ****** ******** ******* ** Instructional Research * ************* * Skok M * ***** Bach * * ****** ********** implementation ** developing ********** Perspectives *** ********* In ************* ********* Concepts Methodologies ***** *** Applications *** ********** *** ********

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