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Part 1. 1. Clara has a positive acceleration for 5 minutes 2. Clara has zero acceleration 3. Clara is speeding up for 10 minutes. 4. Calculate Clara's acceleration for part A of her run. 5. Calculate

Part 1.

1. Clara has a positive acceleration for 5 minutes

2. Clara has zero acceleration

3. Clara is speeding up for 10 minutes.

4. Calculate Clara's acceleration for part A of her run.

5. Calculate Clara's acceleration for part C of her run.


Part 2.

6. Describe the motion of Jay's walk during part A vs part C.

7. What is happening at part B?

8. What happens to Jay's motion at 30 minutes into his walk?

9. At what speed is Jay traveling at 5 minutes into his walk? At what time in his walk does he have the greatest speed.

10. Make up a short story to explain how Jay's speed and acceleration changes throughout his walk. Make sure to address parts A-D.

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