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Part One: Using two contrasting examples from Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, or other social media platform, explain what you find appealing and...

Part One:

Using two contrasting examples from Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, or other social media platform, explain what you find appealing and effective (or not) about these choices. (Provide us with the links to your two choices.) How have these businesses successfully (or not) used social media?

Part Two:

If you were opening up your own business, how would you use social media and why? Which platform would you choose (choose one), why, and how would you use it? Please be as specific as possible in your descriptions. You should refer to your audience and how you would use writing and image to promote your business. We know the power of social media to reach millions of people! What can you do so that you get the clicks, the likes and the shares?

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