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Patient Name or initials: Esther Park Informant:The informant is a 78-year-old woman who is a reliable historian. Chief Complaint (CC): Abdominal pain. Ms. Park notes the pain began 5 days ago. She no
Patient Name or initials: Esther Park
Informant:The informant is a 78-year-old woman who is a reliable historian.
Chief Complaint (CC): Abdominal pain. Ms. Park notes the pain began 5 days ago. She notes the pain is generalized across her entire abdomen, however, hurts more along the left lower quadrant. She also asserts that the pain is constant, and describes it as a dull, and cramping sensation. Ms. Park reports that moving and eating aggravates her symptoms, and notes that resting helps reduce the
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******* NoteSubjective: Date ** ********** July ** *********** **** ** ********* Esther ***************** ********* ** * 78-year-old ***** who ** * reliable historianChief Complaint ***** Abdominal **** ** **** notes *** pain ***** * days *** *** ***** *** pain ** *********** ****** her ****** ******* ******* ***** more ***** *** left ***** ******** *** also ******* **** *** **** ** constant *** ********* ** as a **** and ******** ********* ** **** ******* **** ****** *** eating ********** *** ******** *** notes **** ******* ***** reduce the intensity ** Park **** *** **** any medications *** *** **** and ***** only drinking warm *** ** a result she *** experienced * decline in *** ****** ***** and finds she is resting **** ************ ** ******* illness ******** **** reports **** *** ** ****** ********* **** ********* * **** now The **** is ************ ************ ** *** **** *** days *** ***** her pain * * out ** ** *** ********* ** ** **** *** ******** *** *** nottried any *********** *** **** relief ** Park denies *** ****** ********* *********** **** ******** ***** **** ****** has not *** * ***** ******** ***** ********** **** she *** **** ******* **** ******************* for ***** to * **** *** is **** ************ ******** *** didnot feel *** ******** ********* * **** to *** ********* *** daughter ******** *** **** She ************ ******** ********* ** *********** discomfort inthe ******* *** ****** **** *** ***** abdomen isthe location ** *** **** *** ****** ****** *********** blood ** mucus ** ***** ****** **** ********** or recent ***** She ****** *************** or ********* Reports ** history ************** bowel ******* or GERD ****** ************* ** GI ********* Her ******** *** decreasedover *** last *** **** *** *** is ****** ************ of ***** *** ****** Previously *** ************** ***** **** ****** ***** day to ***** otherdayAllergies:Latex ******** dermatitis)Immunizations: ** ** **** ********* influenza vaccination **** *************************** 10mg ** ***** daily *** high ***** ************ ************ ******* ******* **** ******** **************** ******** ******** ** **** *** *** * ******** ******* ************** *** a *************** (42-years-old) ** *** pastFamily ************ **** notes *** Mother *** * ******* of hypertension *** ******** **** ** She ****** **** ** the *** of ** *** ****** passed **** ** *** *** ** 82 *** *** a ******* ** ************ *** ******************** *** ****** ******* is ** ***** *** *** *** a ******* of hypertension *** *** ****** ****** brother ** ** ***** *** and *** * ******* ** hypertension ******************** *** ******** ****** *** has *** living *** *** ** ** years old *** ******* *** *** ****** daughter *** is 46 years *** *** healthyPersonal *** ****** ********** **** **** not ********* smoke *** has a ******* of ******* ** ***** tobaccoHealth ********************* *********** **** Park is ** ** date **** her ************* ******* *** did *** receive an influenza vaccine **** season ***** is ******** *** *** ***** ********** ***** ******** *** ******* ** well ** walking **** **** ****** recreational ** ******* **** *** *** usually **** ****** *** glass ** **** ** Sundays *** weekPertinent ****** ** ******* ************ ****** **** ****** *** ****** *** ******** Notes ** ******* or ********** ************ ** **** ********** or ******* ***** ** ****** noted ******* ****** difficulty ***************** ****** *** ***** ********** ** ********** discomfortCV: ******* ** *********** or ***** ********* **** sensations Denies ********* of ****** with activityAbdomen: ******* **** note distension *** bloating ** *** ******* ********* points to left ***** ******** as *** **** ** **** pain **** **** ***** *** pain ** a * out of 10 ** * 10-point scaleGenitalia:Patient denies **** abnormal ******* ** ******* ** ******** *** internal ********* Miss **** ***** ** abnormal ********* *** ****** ******* ************** ************** **** *** use ******* protection during intimacy **** ******* ** ******* of sexually *********** ******* ********************* ****** ***** ********** ** ******** **** range ** ****** ******* however ***** * decreased ***** ** **************** *********** **** *** had * ****** ******** in *** ****** of ***** ***** ** **** **** *** have *** ******* *** ****** ** ***** *** **** ** **** ******* **** ***** help in identifying a change in ******* ****** ** foods **** in *** ie *** **** content *** * ******** ** fiber ****** ***** can ********** ** ************* **** *** *** a ****** ******** ** *** *** ** non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID’s) medications *** **** ********* *** *** of ********* ** also * contributory ****** *** * ********* ** constipation Chronic *** ** ********* can **** ***** ****** ****** renal ******* *** **** ********** you experiencing any ****** ****** or ************* ******* in **** *** **** ** decreased appetite *** ******* ********** ********* ****** and ********** ***** an *********** ********** *** lead to physical manifestations *** ******* to ****************** ************************** ****** ***** **** is ** ***** ******** ** ****** ************ are ** and ***** ******** is **** and *** *********** ** ** ******* ***************************** **** ****** 120 lbs and is ***** *** *** ** 219 ***** places *** in the healthy ****** range *** *** *** and ************** ExamGeneral: *** ******* ** ** ******* ***** ******* ** ** *** exam *** ******** grimacing at ***** appearing ************* and ******* *** appears ********* ********** *** ****** and **** ** ****** *** ********* *** ** oriented and ***************** **** *** ***** **** moist **** ****** membranes ****** **** ****** **** ** ******************* Respirations *** ********* and quiet **** to ***** **** sentences **** ** ********* ** breath **** *** breath ****** ***** ** ************ ***** ** *** lobesCV: ** ** ** ******* **** ** murmurs ***** No S3 ** ** **** ** ***** to ***** *********** *************** * ** **** ** *** *** ** cm **** ** midline ** ********** ****** An ********* **** ******* ** ************** ******* is ********** *** to ********* ********** in **** *********** bowel ****** ** *** ********** no bruits; ** friction ****** over ****** ** liver; ******* ******** **** scattered dullness over **** abdomen **** ** *** quadrants; an ****** **** ** ***** ** *** *** ********* ***** with **** ******** and ******* tenderness; no ************* ** CVA tenderness; ** ********* *********** ** ******** or ulceration; ****** ********* **** ***** **** ** rectal vault ************* clear **** ****** normal odor ** nitrites **** **** or ketones detected; ** ** ** ********** ******* ********* inflammation ** irritation of ***** ******** ********* or bleeding; ** ****** growths ** ********** **** ****************** ******** ******* * Para ********************** Mood ** *********** and memory ** ********* intact ************************* Constipation: *** patient’sdescription of * **** *** ******** **** ** *** left ***** ******* and * ********* in *** occurrence of *** ****** ***** ******** ** ********** of constipation2 ******* tract ********* ***** vs ******** *********** ********* ****** The *********** reduced ***** ****** and **** ******* ***** ** *********** **** *** abdominal pain can ** related ** a ********* of UTI *** ***** ** ** ****** ** ** *** *** ******** ******* **** ** **** ***** this may be ****** ** ******** ** ******* solutes *** ** ** addition to *** ******** ** ******** ***** ******* *********** and possible ********** ** UTI **** **** ***** *** ***** ********** **** ****** *********** ** *********** ** ********* ** ******* **** ****** Renal colic:The patient’s *********** ** a generalized ********* ********** **** is **** *** ******** *** * ********* *** ************ urine output *** also ** indicative ** ***** ***** *** **** ** **** ********** ** ******** *** ** ******** ** ***** and *** also notes * ******** ** ****** and fluid ****** ***** *** be ******* ** * ********* ** renal colicDiagnosis: Constipation **** **** ***** a ******** in ******** secondary ** **** ***** quadrant pain as well ** * decrease ** food and fluid ****** ******** to ***** ***** ** LLQ was noted ** *********** *** a 2x4cm **** *** ***** ** *** *** with **** palpation * ****** sphincter **** was ***** *** a *********** ***** mass *** ******** ** *** ****** ******************************************** No further ********** ***** *** required ** **** timePharmacology: ****** ***** *** ******* **** **** ** ** ********** * ****** *** rectum *** ** *** ** exceed * ************** ** * 24-hour ****** **** **** will **** ******** ** take *** ***** ******** medications ** orderedEducation/CounselingMiss **** **** ******** ** ****** in *** water *********** and ******* ******** ******* *** will increase her water intake *** will **** ******** ** *** ******** **** and increase the amount ** fiber *** ***** in *** ***************** Park **** call ** ******** * follow up ***** **** **** ****** within * weekSelf-Assessment: A ******* *********** ** **** ******* ********* pain *** performed **** ******** *** *********** palpated and ********* for normal *** ******** ******** * ***** **** ***** **** **** ***** her ****** ******* of gastrointestinal problems I would **** also ******* ** *** *** ** ********* ** ***** softeners for ***** ****************************** * * ******** * G ***** Hoffman R M (2017) ***** ***** ** ******** *********** *** ******* ****** Philadelphia: ******* KluwerMoll *** ******** **** * & ** ***** ****** * * ************** examination ** ******** with ***** abdominal **************************************** 155 *****