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Peer Response Assignment: DUE Sept. 8th, 2018 at 23:00 military time!!!Students are expected to actively participate in the in the forum discussion. A minimum of 2 substantive participation posts (175

Peer Response Assignment: DUE Sept. 8th, 2018 at 23:00 military time!!!

Students are expected to actively participate in the in the forum discussion. A minimum of 2 substantive participation posts (175-250 words) is required to earn full participation points.

Guidelines for student forum discussion/participation:

· -Select a fellow student's response and compare and contrast your thoughts with theirs;

· -Advance the conversation; provide a real-world application and experiential examples;

· -Conceptually discuss your key [most significant] learning insight or take-away from the selected forum topic comments.

· -Responses should be a minimum of 175-250 words, supported by at least one reference outside of the textbook, either supporting or refuting the position of the author of the forum topic response or peer response.

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