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Percentage of Occupancy for Year Table 2 shows the statistics for bed count and inpatient service days that Manatee Bay Health Center reported for...

Percentage of Occupancy for Year

Table 2 shows the statistics for bed count and inpatient service days that Manatee Bay Health Center reported for last year (a non-leap year). The hospital chief operations officer (COO) is meeting with the board of directors next Tuesday for a quarterly meeting. He asked you to figure the hospital's occupancy ratio for the past year. You have been given the statistics in Table 2 to calculate the annual percentage of occupancy for the past year's operations.   

Table 2 - Manatee Bay Health Center Hospital Bed

                Count and Inpatient Service Days

Manatee Bay Health Center

Hospital Bed Count and Inpatient Service Days

Time Period                                                    Bed Count                                   Inpatient                                                                       Service Days

January 1 - May 31                                             200                       28,690

June 1 - October 15                                            250                       27,400

October 16 - December 31                 275                       19,250

What is the hospital's occupancy ratio for the past year? 

                  Please show all your work

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