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person First name app Last name Age Creates 1 student- athlete object* Hometown getinfo( ) 1 - Displays the complete information about the student-...

Using inheritance and the classses (below)

  • The person classs has
  • first name
  • last name
  • age
  • hometown
  • a method called getInfo() that returns all attributes from person as a String
  • The student classs is a person with
  • an id and 
  • a major and 
  • a GPA
  • student has to call super passing the parameters for the super classs constructor
  • a method called getInfo() that returns all attributes from student as a String
  • this methods has to override the method getInfo() in person
  • The student-athlete classs is a student with
  • a sports (football, or track, or soccer, volleyball, etc.)and
  • a ranking (a random number between 0 and 100)
  • student-athlete has to call super passing the parameters for the super class constructor
  • a method called getInfo() that returns all attributes from student-athlete as a String
  • this methods has to override the method getInfo() in student

Creates an application (app) that:

  • Createss one student-athlete object.
  • Displays all information about the student-athlete object
  • Does it in the most efficient way possible (avoids unnecessary duplication of attributes and methods)
  • Uses the classses
  • app
  • person
  • student inheriting from person
  • student-athlete inheriting from student
  • Download Attachments:
personFirst nameappLast nameAgeCreates 1 student- athlete object*Hometowngetinfo( )1 - Displays the complete informationabout the student- athlete objectstudent" I'dNew attributesin addition toMajorperson'sGPAattributesOverrides themethod from thegetinfo( )|superclass personStudent-athleteNew attributesisportsin addition tostudent'siranking !attributesOverrides themethod from the7 getinfo( ) ;superclass student
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