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Personal Development essay (3 pages + contract)

    Your Personal Development (PD) essay is to accomplish ONE clear developmental goal—something that is measurable, that is life-changing, and that you have wanted to do to better prepare for your future as an effective team member.

   You will work on this essay during the entire quarter (only 1 month long) Pick something easier to measure. Eg: learn to ice skate/ cook/ Stop playing video games/ fold the bed every morning...  etc.  Do not choose something too hard to achieve in 1 month. Afterwards, your essay should describe what you did, what you accomplished, what lessons you learned, and how course principles apply to your project. (Refer to the documents)

    In preparation for this paper, you will (1) create a contract following the template outlining what your essay is, action steps you will take to complete it, how it will be life changing, and what your PD essay outcomes will be. And (2) write a 3 full page paper.

Format: 12 point font , Times New Roman, 1 inch margin, APA double-spaced, 3 full pages long, an abstract is not needed. (Cover page, works cited do not count toward the limit)

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