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Personality Theories in Perspective: Honor Student or Killer? Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the transcript Seven Day of Rage: The Craigslist Killer from CBS Broadcasting, Inc. (2010

Personality Theories in Perspective: Honor Student or Killer?

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the transcript Seven Day of Rage: The Craigslist Killer from CBS Broadcasting, Inc. (2010) and review Chapter 7 from the Harré (2006) e-book as well as the Maslow (1943), Freud (1910), and Bandura (1999) articles.

In this discussion you will assume the role of a Psychology instructor creating a short graduate level presentation on personality. The case study for the presentation will center on Phillip Markoff, also known as an alleged Craigslist Killer. To begin, choose one of the personality theories from the required readings and research a minimum of one peer-reviewed article on your chosen theory in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library. Create a PowerPoint presentation of four-seven slides (not including the title and reference slides). The presentation must begin with a Title slide that provides the title of the lecture, your name, the course name and number, your instructor’s name and the date submitted. The presentation must end with a Reference slide that includes all the resources used for your lecture presentation cited in APA format as outlined in the Writing Center.

The body of the presentation must include the following elements.

  • Provide a definition and brief description of the chosen theory.
  • Evaluate Phillip Markoff's personality from the standpoint of your chosen theory.
  • Explain how the chosen theoretical perspective provides insights into Markoff's behavior.

For assistance in creating effective PowerPoint presentations you may access Garr Reynolds’s Presentation Tips (Links to an external site.) . Be certain to support your statements within the presentation with a minimum of three references. These may include up to two required resources for this week.

Once you have created your PowerPoint, you will present your lecture in a screencast. You may use any screen-casting software you choose. (Quick-start guides are available for Screen-Cast-O-Matic  Download Screen-Cast-O-Maticfor your convenience.) It is recommended that you create a script for, and practicing your lecture presentation before recording it as you will be limited to a screencast of no more than five minutes. Although you are required to include the Title and Reference slides in the presentation, you should not read these slides during the screencast. Create the screencast of your lecture presentation using the software of your choice. Attach your PowerPoint presentation to your initial post and copy and paste the URL for your screencast into your discussion forum response before submitting it.  NOTE: Every effort should be made to create a screencast (as this is something you will be required to do across the program). However, if you cannot do so for any reason, please post your PowerPoint along with the written script that you would have used for your lecture.    

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