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Physical security provides various forms of deterrents (Fennelly, 2017). Using the academic resources, please write 4-6 pages, not including your title or reference pages addressing the following.1) W

Physical security provides various forms of deterrents (Fennelly, 2017). Using the academic resources, please write 4-6 pages, not including your title or reference pages addressing the following.

1) What are some of the physical barriers provided by CCTV and chain link fences as it relates to discouraging criminal activities?

2) Should the designs and features of physical barriers be considered when business owners are planning to install such systems at their businesses? Why or why not?

3) From the reading material list and explain 4 types of fences.


Please write a minimum of two paragraphs on each question. Every paragraph must be indented, have at least four complete sentences, subtitled (centered bold), and a different in-text citation. Do not continuously cite at the end of each paragraph. You are required to write and cite according to APA 6th Edition format. Your SafeAssign Score needs to be no more than 15%. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in a low or zero grade.

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