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Please analyze and answer the questions for the attached case study. 1- both case study and questions are attached 2- work should be in APA style 3- turnitin report with less than 5% similarities fo

Please analyze and answer the questions for the attached case study.

1- both case study and questions are attached 

2- work should be in APA style 

3- turnitin report with less than 5% similarities for the work is needed 

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**************** ******* **************** ****** ********** nameInstitution *************************** ******* changes ** Transformation **************************** ***** ** an educational ***** ************ under the *********** ** ******* Ministry of ********* ** Canada *** ************ *** set ** ** **** **** ** *** ******* of ********** of Ontario ************** ***** The ******* ** ****** ********** in Canada **** ************ **** **** *** ****** ********* ***** *** vision ** *** ** ** ******* *** ******** ****** and ******** **** ******* the *********** ***** As * result ** **** *** **** ***** of *** ************ ** ***** ** its *********** programs and ********** showsAfter ****** *** ** *** ** **** Lisa ** ***** ***** **** the ************ did *** have *** technology driven ********* **** *** ****** for both *** ******** *** *** ************ ** **** ************** 2018) *** **** *** ********** and turned *** a ********* ******** ************ ****** **** years ******* ** all *** ******* ***** **** ***** *** ******* that the company *** ****** in **** ****** **** *** ****** ** online streaming ***** ********* like ******* it ****** a ******* ********* for *** *********** ********** ************ companies ** ****** to ******* ** the ****** ***** ********* ****** ** expand ****** further **** the international marketIn response to **** the ********** ******* tries ** suggest a ****** ** recommendations that *** should ****** ** order ** **** strategic advantage ** *** competitive ****** ** Canadian broadcasting ******** *** suggestions *** ********** with *** ******* ********** ********* ******** *** decentralization **** are *** *** *** to incorporatePresent ******* situationThere *** ******* changes **** *** ** facing over *** ******* ** per *** ****** in the year ** 2012-13 *** ******** ** ******** **** of *** ** ******* ************** ***** ** seemed quite * ******** achievement **** *** *** ** recent years *** ** the ***** factor behind **** *********** *** *** ******** ** the *** *** ** ***** *** ******** the ********** of initiating * ******* ************** *** TVO ** **** ***** *** ****** was **** ********** where not only the ***** ******** but *** ******** ******* **** **** become *** audience ** *** *** ****** ****** that there was ************* 45% ** *** ******** *** **** *** ********** ******** through non-traditional channels ************** ******** The ******* of *** made ** ******* *** *** ************ ** design *** strategies ** order ** encapsulate *** ****** more ************ ** ******** ** **** TVO ******* ********** ********* and media **** the help ** journalism *** motive ** *** ************ was to gain *********** ********* ** *** Canadian ************ ****** ** * **** ********* ****** ** * result ** **** *** ************ **** ************ social ***** *** scrapped *** *** *********** ***** business ***** ******* ****** ***** ******** **** ********* penetration **** **** *** pragmatic *** *** ** *** ******** ************ ********* * death **** *** made ** *** **** **** of **** **** *** official ****** was ******* *********** *** ********** ******* ** ****** *** ****** ** *** the public ******** including *** ** * ****** ** **** * decrease ** *** ****** ***** ** TVO ***** ** **** **** *** year *** instance according to Chandrasekhar ****** in **** *** *** ** annual ***** of **** **** *** ******** ** ********* ***** *** **** **** to *** ** **** ******** the ********* were **** ****** **** ** * rapid **** **** **** ******* in **** ** $195 ** **** (Chandrasekhar ***** ********** *** **** *** ************** revenue *** ********** *** *** had ******* invested * lot ** ***** ** ****** **************** ********** through ****** ***** **** ******** ********* ******** issues:External ************ ** ************** ******** ***** ***** ********* ** *** ****** ** grants *** *** receiving **** ****************** behavior ***** ****** IPTV’s *** ***** ****** ** on ****** ** pay *** *** ***************** in *** amount ** ********* *** *** ********* from ************** ************************** *** ********* *********** by ******** bureau closure *** *** back ** ****** ** ********* ** *** ** March ******* *** ****** in form ** ******** **** ***** generate ******* from themMarketing:Only marketed in ******* *** ****** a ***** marketLack ** marketing *** ******* TVO’s ********** ** ********* ************* ** change its ******** audience from older *** middle ages to ******* **** *** ********************** ******** model *** non *********** ***** ****** ****** business *************** ** ********** source of revenue ******* self-generating revenueWorking **** **** ******** ** educationHuman ResourceLack ** ********** *** new ********** models ****** ************************** adoption ** ************ *** *********** *** significant ******** impact ** *********** ** fully ******* ************* ** 2012Problem ********** through PEST-CA ******** PEST-C analysis has addressed ****** ** ********* ******************* *** ****** ******* **** ******** of education which comes **** ******** for TVO ** a ************* ******** ******* TVO ******* **** *** *********** to **** ******* **** advertisement ***** is a ****** ****** ** income *** *** ** ************** broadcasting ********************* ** benefiting **** ********** ****** ******* change ** ********** ******** *** cut back ******* ****** ** 5%Societal:Base ** the ***** ********* **** of *** ********** ** ******* ***** ********* from ********* *** ****** ******* most of TVO ******** are ***** *** ***** TVO needs ** target younger audience such as **** *** ************************** ** * **** adaptor ** ********** *** innovation and this had ******** *** ******* ****** ***************** ******* and ********************* purpose ** **** ******** ** to create * ******** ******** *** ****** out the feasibility ** the ********** change ********** ******** **** *** ************ ******* had ******** *** ****** **** is **** *** proposal ** ***** to ******** *** efficacy of *** ******** change ********** ******** *** ***** *** *** ****** of advantage **** *** **** *** Therefore *** project will ******* * ******** research on *********** ******** *** ********* *** ******** *********** *** ******** *** *** ************** *** improvement **** **** ** discussed ****** the ********************** *** efficacy of *** ********** change ********** ********* ** TVO• Figuring *** *** **** practice *** of *** ******** *********** Recommendation *** ******* improvementApproach *** ************** ******** steps are as followsSet ** ** ********** ************ *** ******** ************ **** *********** * preliminary **** ******** for *** *********** A ******** SWOT ******** *** the ***** ******** in *** ******* ** ******* ******** *********** ******* ********* ******** ** ********** review for ********* **** **** *** ********* ************ Focusing ** theories *** ******** ** different ********** ********* **** ******* ********** autonomy of the employees *** decentralized ******** ****** **************** research ** *************** ******* * ****** ** the ******** ** TVO and ** ********* ******* **** *** ************ The focus of *** primary ******** ** ** ******** *** **** ******** for ******* gathering *** ********* Gathered survey **** from **** *** ********** *** ********** *********** ******* ******* ****** ** ** *** employeesInvestigation ************* **** **** **** the ********* evidences and *** primary ******** ** **** the **** ******** *** be ********** ********************** **** ************** ******* ******* ************** and ******* ************ ** that in ****** *** research **** be ************** Design *** ************** plan *** *** **** solutionProject *** ********* scheduleThis *** ******** ***** **** ** ******** ****** ************* time *** ******* ****** project ** ******** ** *** ******** ****** * ****** ** ****** Most ** *** expenses are ********* *** ******* ******** ******** *** *** ******* access **** ******* *** ******** **** ***** *** ** ** ******** *** ***** of *** entire ******* **** ** ***** *** research ***** **** that for ************ the best ******** ******** it ******** ****************************** ************ **** ****** ****** of *********** *********** ******** *** as ********** *** the ******** solutions have ********* ** ******** *** ****** in TVO• ************ *** **** possible ******** **** *** **** of **** ******* ******** *** ********* data ********************* *** ****** ***** of *** research ** **** *** mistakes can ** ****************** CredentialI am ***** ******* in ******** in University ***** * ** ** tier ***** **** **** *********** *** Presently I am ***** ********** ******** with ********* ******** I **** ten years of work ********** ** ********** of ********* field * would like ** ***** that * **** **** ******* ** critical ******** ** **** as ******** making ** addition ***** *********** the professor ********* *********** and ***** *** ******* **** ** ***** to ***** ********* **** **** ************ more I ******* ** skills ** project ********** ****** ********** ******** *********** ********* ********** business ****** *** ************ behavior during ** *** study *** *********** ******** * believe **** I **** give ****** ********* ********* ** ************ *** problems ** ********************************** * (2018) **** ******* Transformational ****** ******** Ivey ************** ************

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