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Please answer each question to the correct decimal place and please show work! I am in a crunch for time, my assignment is due in a few hours and I

Please answer each question to the correct decimal place and please show work! I am in a crunch for time, my assignment is due in a few hours and I am struggling with these three questions so quick answers are appreciated. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!


Consumers can purchase nonprescription medications at food stores, mass merchandise stores such as Target and Wal-Mart, or pharmacies. About 45% of consumers make such purchases at pharmacies. What accounts for the popularity of pharmacies, which often charge higher prices?

A study examined consumers' perceptions of overall performance of the three types of stores, using a long questionnaire that asked about such things as "neat and attractive store," "knowledgeable staff," and "assistance in choosing among various types of nonprescription medication." A performance score was based on 27 such questions. The subjects were 189 people chosen at random from the Indianapolis telephone directory. Here are the means and standard deviations of the performance scores for the sample.

STORE TYPE:       (xbar)       (s)

Food Store         18.87         24.88

Mass Merchandisers    32.3       33.33

Pharmacies           48.37         35.63

a) What population do you think the authors of the study want to draw conclusions about?

o the American public

o sick people

o pharmacies

o citizens of Indianapolis

o consumers

What population are you certain they can draw conclusions about?

o citizens of Indianapolis

o pharmacies

o sick people

o the American public

o consumers

(b) Give 99% confidence intervals for the mean performance for EACH type of store. (ROUND YOUR ANSWERS CORRECTLY TO 4 DECIMAL PLACES.)

o Food Stores: (     ,    )

o Mass Merchandisers (     ,     )

o Pharmacies (     ,     )

(c) Based on these confidence intervals, are you convinced that consumers think that pharmacies offer higher performance than the other types of stores? (In Chapter 12, we will study a statistical method for comparing means of several groups.)

o Yes, the pharmacy interval is well above the others.

o Yes, the mass merchandiser interval is well above the others.

o Yes, the food store interval is well below the others.

o No, there is no clear evidence of a significant difference.


Do various occupational groups differ in their diets? A British study of this question compared 88 drivers and 66 conductors of London double-decker buses. The conductors' jobs require more physical activity. The article reporting the study gives the data as "Mean daily consumption ± (se)." Some of the study results appear below.

                 DRIVERS    CONDUCTORS

Total Calories   2828+/- 12        2848+/- 16

Alcohol (grams)  0.28+/- 0.06    0.39+/- 0.14

(a) Give x and s for each of the four sets of measurements. (Give answers accurate to 3 decimal places.)

Drivers Total Calories:


s =

Drivers Alcohol:


s = 

Conductors Total Calories:


s =

Conductors Alcohol:

xbar =

s =

(b) Is there significant evidence at the 5% level that conductors consume more calories per day than do drivers? Use the conservative two-sample t method to find the t-statistic, and the degrees of freedom. (ROUND YOUR ANSWER FOR T TO 4 DECMIAL PLACES.)




o Reject Ho

o Do not Reject Ho

(c) How significant is the observed difference in mean alcohol consumption? Use the conservative two-sample t method to obtain the t-statistic. (ROUND YOUR ANSWER TO FOUR DECIMAL PLACES.)



o Reject Ho

o Do not reject Ho

(d) Give a 95% confidence interval for the mean daily alcohol consumption of London double-decker bus conductors. (ROUND YOUR ANSWERS TO FOUR DECIMAL PLACES.)

o (      ,    )

(e) Give a 99% confidence interval for the difference in mean daily alcohol consumption for drivers and conductors. (conductors minus drivers. ROUND YOUR ANSWERS TO FOUR DECIMAL PLACES.)

o (     ,      )


One of your employees has suggested that your company develop a new product. You decide to take a random sample of your customers and ask whether or not there is interest in the new product. The response is on a 1 to 5 scale with 1 indicating "definitely would not purchase"; 2, "probably would not purchase"; 3, "not sure"; 4, "probably would purchase"; and 5, "definitely would purchase." For an initial analysis, you will record the responses 1, 2, and 3 as "No" and 4 and 5 as "Yes."Suppose that after reviewing the results of a previous survey, you proceeded with preliminary development of the product. Now you are at the stage where you need to decide whether or not to make a major investment to produce and market it. You will use another random sample of your customers, but now you want the margin of error to be smaller. What sample size would you use if you wanted the 95% margin of error to be 0.015 or less? (Round your answer up to the nearest whole number.)

o How many participants?

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