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Please answer each question with 250 words citation and reference. 1.Are there significant differences in the approach to the development of managers when viewed from a classical or a global manageme
Please answer each question with 250 words citation and reference.
1.Are there significant differences in the approach to the development of managers when viewed from a classical or a global management perspective? Why or why not 2.How do modern managers integrate political, legal, and cultural competencies into a global management mindset? Support your reasoning.
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*** **** ***** ** ******** answerhttps://wwwdropboxcom/scl/fi/un73nkqsr748etebyyme0/Managementdocx?rlkey=cq3k1lcm9jcgpu19gkw62o0zm&dl=0>> ManagementStudent NameInstitutionInstructors ******* *********************** ******** *** *********** of ******** ** approached from * ********* ** **************** *********** ***** *** major ********** ********** ********* knowledge andabilities is ********** the main ***** ** *********** ********** ********** focusing *************** *** ************ ** ******** global ********** strategies ******** *************** of cultural ********* *** *** to ****** *** development of ******* ***************** *** success ** * ************* ******* *********** ********* ******************** ********** ********* *** acquisition ** technical ********* and informationpertaining ** the ********************** particular ****** or ***** ******* ********* Nardina 2021) This canentail ******** ** *********** **** ******* marketing ** ********** ********** ******************** *************** *********** ****** ******* that ********** ******* *** ******** *** ** ****** various settings *** ********* On the other **** ****** ********** ********************* that cultural ********** *** ************* ****** ********* ******* (Nardin **************** ***** ****** managers **** ** ******** enough to adjust ** various **************** *** ********* ************** ************* and negotiation ****** **** must **** becapable of ******* ********* ***** navigating ********* ******* **** *** ********* ************* ******** situationsIn addition ** technical ******* developing **** skills ** *********** ** globalmanagement techniques These include ************* ********** ************* ************* Global managers **** ** ** **** ** ****** ******* ********* ******** **************** ****** ***** *** ********* ************* **** ************ **** ******* ******************* ********** et ** ***** ********* ****** management ********** ***** ************ on ********** a variety ** ****** necessary for success ** * ************* company3environment than *********** ********** ********** ***** ********* technical ************** ********** ***** ************* *** ************ ** cultural ********* ******** must ****** ** ****** ** various cultural ******** and negotiate *********** ****** ******** ************ ***** grow **** ******** **************** 2Modern ******** **** ** ******* ********* legal and cultural competencies **** *********** ********** ******** ** ******* ** today's increasingly ************** ***** ******* ******* ***** competencies ** * variety of ******* ** ** this ***** *** ******** ************** **** **** * ******** ********* ** regional ******** **** must be **** ** *********** ********** *** ************* ********** in light of cultural ********* To achievethis one **** ******* cultural abilities ****** ******** proficiency such ** ********* ************ ****** *** ****** *********** ****** ******** **** ** **** *** ********* legal and ******************** **** ******* ********** ********** ** many ******* To ****** ********** ********** legal problems staying current ** these ********** ** crucial ************ ********* ** ***** ***** ************* of ************ ******** ****** labor rules and *** *********** ******************** ******** must ********* political understanding or *** ******** ** ************* ********* ********* systems *** ********** *** ****** ****** connections withstakeholders (Tavoletti ** al ***** **** **** ******** through *********** ******************* and ***** ***** **** ************ **** ******* ******************* ****** managers **** ** promote ********* *** ********* They **** ******************** ************* conflict ********** *** ************* ********* to ***************** ***** *********** Managers may ****** * ******* ** ********* *** **************** productivity and ********** ** ********* ********* Finally ****** managersmust ******** ******* ********** **** must ******* the ******* ******* ********* in **************** ******** *********** ******* ******** responsibility *** socialaccountability ** ***** this **** *** ******** *********** trust *** ********* theorganization's ********* viability5ReferencesNardin * S ********* ******* * * ***** March) ************* ** the ********* ******** ********** *********** *********** ** ********************* ********* ** ************* *** methodological ***** ***** Conference Series: Earth and EnvironmentalScience(Vol 723 ** * * 042013) IOP ******************* * Kazemargi * ******* * ****** * ********* Appolloni * (2022) ******** *************** *** digital ************** in ****** ********** *********************** Journal ** ********** Management25(6) *******