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Please answer Each question with at least 250 words, citation and references. 1.) In the increasingly transparent environment of modern business, personal and corporate integrity and corporate social
Please answer Each question with at least 250 words, citation and references.
1.) In the increasingly transparent environment of modern business, personal and corporate integrity and corporate social responsibility are being scrutinized by both consumers and investors to a greater degree than has ever been witnessed. What are the most important steps for modern managers to take to assure authentic personal and corporate integrity and genuine demonstration of corporate social responsibility? Why? What adjustments have you made or do you want to make to your management practice as a result of interacting with this material? Explain. How does the information you learned influence your potential dissertation research? Explain.
2.) Initially introduced in RES-820, the Theoretical Foundations section of the dissertation identifies and discusses the theory(ies) or model(s) that provide the foundation for the research study. In this section, the learner also provides an explanation of how the problem under investigation relates to the theory or model. The seminal source (often works more than five years old) for each theory or model presented in this section should be identified and described. The learner should cite references reflective of the foundational, historical, and current literature in the field. Introduced in RES-815 and mentioned again in RES-820, the practical counterpart to the theoretical foundation of the study is the feasibility of the study in which consideration is given to the practical ability to conduct the study.
Using your present knowledge of the problem space and the literature landscape surrounding your proposed problem statement, briefly describe the theoretical foundation of your study. Paste the draft of the theoretical foundations discussion into the "Theoretical Foundations" section of Chapter 2 in the Dissertation Template (available on the DC Network).
In a separate paragraph, address whether studying this problem is feasible. Consider the following as you ponder the feasibility of the potential study:
- Can you reasonably, ethically, and legally obtain access to the people to whom you need to speak?
- How will you access those people?
- Will you be able to collect the data necessary to address the problem?
Paste a summary of the feasibility of the study into the "Summary and Organization of the Remainder of the Study" section of Chapter 1 of the Dissertation Template, and address any of the items possible at this point in Appendix F of the Template.
Save the template with your work to your computer using the naming convention DissertationDraft.LastName,FirstName.Date, and attach the saved document to your initial post in the forum.
Critique the responses of your classmates, and revise your own work based on the feedback from classmates and your instructor.Paste the revised theoretical foundations discussion and the feasibility of the study information into the relevant sections in the Dissertation Template as noted above.
Save the revised template with your work to your computer using the naming convention DissertationDraft.LastName,FirstName.Date, and attach the saved document to your final response in the forum.
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**************************************************************************** **** * *** **** ********* steps ****** ******** can **** ** assure ********* ********* and *********** genuine ********* social ************** *** ************ ********* ** ************ and leading ** ******* Transparency ** *** ** managers **** ** open about ********* *** disclose both ******** *** ******** ******* of business activities ****** 2022) **** should ******* ********** *********** to allow ******** **** ********* and *********** **** ** transparency ****** ******** *** makes integrity **** ************ ********* ** ************ ** **** ***** ******** **** to ********** *** ************ of ********* customers local *********** ******** ****** *** **** ** ********** how actions *** ********* *** where ************ could be **** ********* & ******* 2020) ******* ** ******* through ******** ******* and priorities ** *** most *********** ****** Managers must ***** *** walk *** just **** *** ***** ** ********* ********* in ***** decision-making ensuring *** ****** ****** ** * real factor *** **** * ****** ********* **** *** ******* themselves accountable ** *** **** ********* **** communicate *** others ********* ***** ******* ***** Hypocrisy ********** trust ** ************** ******** a result ** this material I **** ** ***** **** ** *********** engagement *** active ********* ** ** ********** ********* Authentic ************** ******** ************* others' views *** ********** ********* **** **** greater ********* if informed ** ******* ************ ********* & ******* ***** * **** ****** to emphasize transparency ****** legal *** ********* *********** **** information has ********** ** ********* ************ topic ** ************ *** perceived ************ responsiveness ** stakeholders *** ********** ******* ****** ***** in ********* responsibility ****** A mixed ******* study could quantitatively assess ***** relationships while **** ************* ********* *** ********* *********** ****** ********** and ***** ******* ************** ******* The ******** ***** ******* ********* guidance *** ******** seeking to ********** ********* *** ************** through ********* ********** ****** ********* **** *********** ********** **** ***** ******** **** ***** ** *********** ****** *********** ****** ********** ** ******* ** **** ******** **** ******** ******** should ******** *** interests ** *** *********** ****** ******** ** ** can impact ******* ********* *** ********** **** includes employees ********* ********* communities advocacy ************* and more ************* ** ** ***** *** ******* ** ********* *********** ** ********* ************** ******* ******* ******** to stakeholder ****** by ******* ** ********** *** different stakeholder ************ ***** with ** diverge **** ************** ****** ********* ************ ************** *** ********** ******* a *********** ****** **** could ******* insights **** ************* ***** ******* ** ********************** this ******* ******* * mixed ******* design ** ******** To access *** necessary ****** *** ***** ***** utilize ******* *********** to cooperating companies' ***** customer *** ******** ********* ************ ********** sampling ********** ***** be used to identify *** ******* ******* ******** organizations and ********* *************** for *********** ********** ********* customers *** ********* ***** ****** *** ******* ****** approvals *** ******* ********* ** *** study's **** ************* ** ** 2020) ************ external ************ *** involve ********** rapport and securing ************* ******************** quantitative **** ******* online ******* ** ********* and employees ** ******** **** *********** **** **** organizations Qualitative interviews could ** ********* *** videoconference ***** ***** *** widely **** *** ************** ********* *** reporting related ** ************** ******* ***** **** ** analyzed ********* **** *********** from ********* and ************ *** ********* **** regarding *********** ** responsibility **** different stakeholder ********** ***** ********** ***********