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Please answer the following fifteen questions to complete your Essay Proposal assignment worth 15% of your final grade. Each student is required to

Please answer the following fifteen questions to complete your Essay Proposal assignment worth 15% of your final grade.

Each student is required to submit a proposal for a compare and contrast final term paper. The proposal is worth 15% and is due on February 22nd, 2016 by midnight. Proposals will be marked by the Course Director without comments while the final research paper will be marked by TAs.  In place of feedback, TAs will receive a report on their students’ proposals so that each TA can help his/her students with elements of the assignment that require attention such as formulating a research question, finding suitable sources, working with quotes, etc.

Submission of the proposal will be done via a Moodle-based questionnaire which allows for multiple attempts until the student has completed the assignment to his/her satisfaction.

Proposals will set out the research question for a final paper and the sources the student plans to use to support his/her ideas. Treatment of the two films - one from the course and a second not covered in the course - in essay form should compare and contrast issues raised or illustrated in both films. Students may wish to compare and contrast the performance of or implications of one or more of key critical terms or theories. Students will need to have five scholarly articles only two of which may have been assigned in the course that speak to these issues and relate the thesis, arguments and evidence in these articles to your analysis of the two dance films. 

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