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Please answer the following questions: Make sure to follow the instruction given and observe the required word count: 1. What is an Information Technology Project? (Max 50 words) ”Cite the source - Us
Please answer the following questions: Make sure to follow the instruction given and observe the required word count:
1. What is an Information Technology Project? (Max 50 words) ”Cite the source - Use APA."
2. What is research? (Max 50 words) “Cite the source - Use APA."
3. Why do we need to do research? (Max 50 Words) “Cite the source - Use APA."
3.1. - Explain what we mean by Qualitative research
3.2. - Explain what we mean by Quantitative Research
3.3. - What is a survey?
3.4. - List the major parts of a research paper
3.5. - What is a Peer Review-Journal?
4. As students / Scientists, what topic/s do we need to research? (Max 50 Words) “Cite the source - Use APA."
4.1. - Why do we need to use keywords during our Lit Review?
5. What is a research methodology? (Max 100 Words) “Cite the source - Use APA."
6. What is a research design? (Max 100 Words) "Cite the source - Use APA."
7. What do we mean by project deliverable? (Max 50 Words) “Cite the source - Use APA."
8. Is deadline an important aspect of a project? (Max 50 Words) “Cite the source - Use APA."
9. What are project limitations? (Max 50 Words) “Cite the source - Use APA."
10. What do we mean when we say resources? (Max 100 Words) “Cite the source - Use APA."
11. Why do we need to apply APA Basic Citation Stiles in a research proposal? (Max 100 Words). “Cite the source - Use APA."
12. From our Syllabus, please explain what we mean by Academics Integrity. (Max 250 Words) “Cite the source - Use APA."
13. What is Plagiarism? (Max 100 Words) ”Reference the Academic Integrity from the Syllabus"
14. What is Self-Plagiarism? (Max 50 Words) ”Reference the Academic Integrity from the Syllabus"
15. What are bar charts? (Max 15 words)
16. What is a central question? (Max 15 words)
17. What do we mean when we say: Cleaning the Data? (Max 25 words)
18. What is a sample size formula? (Max 25 words)
19. Define the term "Statistics" (Max 20 words)
To complete this assignment, the following must be observed.
1. - Use only Peer-reviewed journals to research the above questions. (When Applicable)
2. - Adhere and apply properly the Basic Citation Styles of the APA (Use as a reference the APA Manual.).
3. - If you use another author's ideas, concepts, and words, you must cite the source and credit the author. Not citing in-text the source will be considered Plagiarism, and you will receive zero (0) for your assignment.
4. - Do not copy and paste information. (You will receive zero (0) for your Assignment).
5. - No late submission is accepted.
6. - This is an individual assignment, not a group assignment.
7. - You must use the Sample-APA-Paper provided to submit your assignment.
8. - Use the Sample – APA – Paper provided as a guide to submit your assignment.
8.1. Observe the Paper Structure and Formatting.
8.2. Make sure you observe The Title Page and Structure.
8.3. Your list of references must be per APA.
8.4. Fill in the Certificate of Authorship located at the end of the paper.
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***************************************************************************************************************************** the **** **** *** ***** ************ to ********* ******* NameInstitutionInstructors ******* ************** to ************* is ** Information Technology ******** ** *********** Technology Project ** * ******** *********** ****** *** ********** field **** **** ** ******* * ******* set ** objectives ** outcomes ***** ** ********* ***** *** ********* (Pandey ***** ****** ********* is ********* ******** ** *** systematic ******** ***** ** ******** of a ******* ** topic ** **** *** information ************* ** ******** ***** ** ******* ********* ** ******* to ********** ******* ** issues ******* ********* *********** ************ **** and ********** conclusions (Islam ***** ********* 2022)Why ** we need ** ** ********* ******** is ********* to expand knowledge ******* new ***** ***** ******** inform *************** *** ***** innovation ** provides evidence-based ******** ***** hypotheses *** advances ******* ****** of ***** ******* ***** ****** ******* ** *********** ******** complex events are ******** *** ********** ** ******* ** ******** subjective feelings beliefs *** actions using *********** ********** *** ******* ******** ********** ** ** 2020)32 ** ************ ******** ******** ************ and trends *** ********** ** ********* *** ********* ********* **** ** uses statistical ******** *** *************** ** get ********* *********** *** *********** results to broader *********** ******* & ****** 2021)33 * ****** is * research ******** that collects data **** a ****** of ****** ** ***** more ***** ***** ******* attitudes ******* or ***** traits Questionnaires ** ********** *** ********** **** to acquire *********** ***** * ********** subject (Vebrianto ** ** ******* *** **** ********** of * ******** paper *** *** ************ (background ******* ********* and ******** question) ********** review methodology (research ****** data collection *** analysis) ******* ********** *************** ** ******* ************* *** ********** (summary *********** *** ****** *********** (Pandey ***** ****** 2021)35 A ************* ******* is * ********* publication ***** research ******** *** ********* ** ******** ********** ** ************** specialists ****** publishing ** ********* *** ********* **** ******* ******** *** ********** ******* ***** ****** ******* ******** * ********** **** ******* ** ** **** ** *********** **** research topics that ***** **** *** ******** ** professional ********* ********** ** existing ********* gaps ******* ******** ****** or ******** *** ******* our ***** ** ***** ********** et ** 2020)41 ***** ******** ****** *** ********** review ***** ** effectively search *** ****** relevant ******** articles *** sources Keywords assist in ********* **** *** ****** *** ******** **** ** **** literature ******** related ** our ******** ***** ****** **** *** enhancing the ******* ** *** literature ****** ********** ** al ********* ** * ******** methodology? ******** *********** ** *** ********** *** ********* ******* **** ** ** research ******* **** analyze *********** *** **** ** ***** ******** ** includes *** ******* **** *** ******* **** ** ** ************* ** address ********* ** ****** hypotheses ******* ***** Pandey ***** *** ******** techniques *********** *** ***** used in * study *** ******** ** *** research methodology which *** include *********** ** ************ **** ********** ************ design surveys ********** ************ ** ********** ******* ** allowing *** *** replication and ************ ** conclusions by ***** researchers a clearly ******* ******** *********** maintains *** ******** ********* rigor *********** *** ********* (Islam ***** ********* 2022)What ** a ******** design? * research design ** * ******* strategy ** ********* ********** * ******** *************** ********* *** organization ** includes *** ********** *** ********** ******** ** meet the ***** *** ******* ** *** research ******* A ******** ****** ******* choices regarding *** ******* kind (experimental ************* or descriptive) sampling ******** **** ********* ********** *** **** analysis ************* ******* & Pandey 2021) It describes *** ******* *********** ********* ******** population or ****** *** timetableWhat ** we **** by project deliverable? * ******* *********** ** ** ****** ** ******* created ** a ****** ** * project whether ******** or ********** (Muller ** al 2019) ** ** * ********** *** ************ ***** that signifies * ********* or ************** ****** *** ******* and is ********** used ** show ******** ** **** project criteriaIs *** ******** ** important ****** ** a ******** *** ********* *** ******* in ******* management ** they provide * ********* for ********** ***** ********** and *** overall ******* **** **** ****** work ********** on **** ******** accountability and ****** ********* planning and ******** ********** ******* ********* ** ********* for ******* ******* *** customer ************ ******* ** ** 2019)What *** ******* ************ ******* limitations *** the ************ ** ********** that ****** *** * ******* is ******* *** *** *** ** ***** *** ***** restrictions *** ** ****** ** ********* ********** schedule ************ ******** ********* technological constraints ***** ********** *** ******** ************ (Rowe ********* ** ** mean when ** *** ********** Resources ***** ** the ******* tools ********* references *** ******* systems **** ********** ******** ******** *** conducting ******** ********* in ********* *** ******* ********* ************* ********* ********** and software ********* ********** ********* *** ****** ** ********* and ******** ******** ********* ** ******** include data ******* ******** methodology tools ***** *** space *** ************* *** collaboration ***** resources ******* ******* *** ************* ** ******** *** research outputs ********* acquisition skill *********** and *** promotion ** ********** ******* *** *** facilitated ** *** efficient *** and ************** ** ********* ** the ******** *** ******** fields (Hylen ******** **** we apply APA ***** ******** ****** ** * ******** proposal? ******** *** ***** ******** ****** in * research ******** ** important ** ****** ****** *********** *** credibility ** *** information used It ****** ******* to ****** and ****** *** ******* of *** *********** promoting ************ *** ******** ********* ************ ***** ******** ***** ********* APA ********** **** helps *********** ******** *********** and *************** ** their citations ************ ***** ************* and demonstrating ***** understanding ** scholarly *********** ******** ** *** ******** ****** enhances *** *************** and *********** ** *** research ******** and aligns ** **** *********** ******** ***** ************ & ******** 2020)From our ******** please ******* **** ** **** by Academics Integrity ******** ********* ** * *** of ***** ********* *** ideals **** ****** ******** ********* ******** ******* and ******* ** ******** being ******** ******** *** responsible ** all academic **** facets *** *********** institutions ** maintain their credibility *** reputation *** *** ***** *** ********* *********** ******** ********* is ********* (Holden ** ** ***** According to *** ******** ******** ********* ** *** ********** ** ******* ********* ** *** ******** efforts ** calls ** ******** to ******* truthful *** ******** **** while giving *** acknowledgment ** the theories ******* and ***** ******** ************ ******** This ******* ******** *********** sources ********** **** ********** and ******* ** ********* regulations ****** 2021)The ********** of ethical ************* *** **** **** ** academic integrity ** group projects ** ********** *** ***** ** ******** integrity ** ensuring that ********** ************* *** ************ and that **** ** *** improperly ********** to ****** ******** integrity violations **** ********** and cheating degrade *** value ** *** learning ******* *** *** efforts of sincere students ******* ** ** ***** They ******* ********** in *** ******** ********* *** among ******** ******** *** ******* ** ********* ** ******* ** *********** of moral conduct critical thinking *** *********** study by ******** emphasizing ******** ********* in our ********** ****** ***** ************ integrity and ******* *** upheld ********** *** educational ******* and it ********** ******** ** **** pride ** ***** **** ****** in honest academic ********* *** ****** ***** valuesWhat ** *********** ******* *** someone else's thoughts ***** ** **** ** ***** *** ******* giving *** ****** ** ************** is ***** ** plagiarism ** entails ******** ** ************ ***** from ************ **** ***** papers ** ******** without ********** *** ******** **** ******** ** ** ***** ***** plagiarism ******** *** values ** ************ *********** and ************ property rights ** is * ***** ****** ** ******** integrity *** ******* standards Always ******** ********* *** **** **** ******* ** ******* ************** ** **************** *************** ** text ********* ****** ** ******* ***** ********** ********* **** ** *********** ******** ******* ****** ******** or ************** It ** ********** unethical ******* ** ************* *** *********** *** integrity of *** *** **** ******** et ** ********* *** *** ******* *** ****** or *** ****** are graphical *************** **** to ******* *********** data ***** rectangular **** ******** et ** ********* ** a central ********* * central ******** ** *** ******* inquiry ** ***** ** * ******** ********* ** ** **** **** we say: Cleaning the ***** ******** the **** ****** ** identifying *** ********** ****** *************** and ************ ** * ******* before analysis (Stenegren 2023)What ** * sample size formula? * sample size ******* ** * ************ ******** **** ** ********* *** appropriate **** ** * ****** ** * research study based ** ******* statistical ********** ******** et ** *********** *** term ************ To **** **** ********* and ***** *********** ********** entails ********* ********* ************ ********** *** ********* ********* data ******** ** ** ******* References ******* * * ***** * ***** ***** * ****** ********** **** ** *** ******* ** ****** ******* *************** * * L ********* * * * ****** * * **** C * Tarazona * O * Muñoz * * S ***** Chuyma * C ****** Self-plagiarism: ******* *** *********** *** ******** ********** ** text recyclingJournal ** Positive ****** ************** ******************** T & ******** * ****** *********** of the *** ****** **** for ************* ******* in ********** care settings: Potential ********* *** ***************** ***** Behavior30(4) ************ S * **************** ** ****** ********** Tackling ***** ****** ** ******** ********* ABC-CLIOHolden O * ****** * * ***** Kuhlmeier * A (2021 ***** Academic ********* ** online assessment: * ******** review *********** in ************* * * ******* ********* Media ******** J ****** **** educational resources: ************* *** *************** * * ***** ********* * * * ****** ************* *** ******** *********** ******** ****** ******** ********** sampling ******** sample size ********* method saturation *** **** analysisJournal ** International ******** *** ************** ************ * ****** * * ***** ******** * * ****** * ****** Size ******* *** ******* ******** StudiesSociological ******* & ******** ************************ R ****** N ***** ******** * ******************** ******* *********** Theory *** ************** ****** ***** **************** * & ****** * * ************** *********** tools and ********** ****** ********** * * (2020)Project ********** for ***** ******** *************** PublishersStenegren F ****** ** ******** ** Data Cleaning Tools: A *********** ******** ** the performance *** effectiveness ** data ******** toolsVebrianto * ****** M ******** Z ********* I & ****** A ****** ***** Methods ********* ****** and ****** in ******** MethodologyBedelau: ******* ** ********* *** ************ *****