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Please click on an answer to receive feedback. When you have completed these diagnostic questions, you may be guided to additional content. 1) There...

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Please click on an answer to receive feedback. When you have completed these diagnostic questions, you may beguided to additional content.1) There is little to no difference between a paraphrase and a summary.a Trub False2) Choose an appropriate paraphrase for the following source."It is important, when motivating someone to attain their fitness and health goals, not to stray into the territory ofshaming them for their current lifestyle."a) When motivating someone to attain their fitness and health goals, it is important not to stray into the territory ofshaming them for their current lifestyle.b) Remember not to stray into the territory of shaming someone for their current lifestyle, if you want to motivatethem to attain their fitness and health goals.c) One must be careful not to rely on guilt as a motivator for someone who is trying to better themselves in exerciseand nutrition habits.d) Using guilt as a motivator is an acceptable way to help someone better themselves in exercise and nutritionhabits.3) Which of the following is BEST to use when you want to express the main idea of an entire passage that is severalparagraphs long?a) Quotationb) Paraphrasec) Summaryd) Direct link or copy of the source4) Which of the following quotations does this passage appropriately paraphrase?The increasing popularity of e-reading devices has made print publishers nervous about selling their products.a) As devices like Amazon's Kindle and Barnes and Nobles' Nook continue to corner the ebook market, big-namebook publishers in New York find themselves scrambling to maintain their profits for their printed products."b) "Print publishers are nervous about selling their products now that e-reading devices are becoming increasinglypopular."c) "Although ebooks are on the rise, print publishers can feel assured that there continues to be a dedicated marketof consumers who will always prefer physical books to digital."d) "E-reading devices are a wonderful innovation of convenience, allowing you to carry around an entire library ofbooks in a small, light package, instead of having to lug around numerous heavy books."5) Which of the following is true about using an appropriate summary?a) A good summary is essentially a group of paraphrases from each part of the original passage.b) A good summary always relies on numerous quotations from the original passage.c) Summaries should be at least as long as the original passage.d) Summaries should not get bogged down by explicit detail from the original passage.6) Consider the following quotation and paraphrase. What makes it an inappropriate paraphrase?"The stories we tell each other are sometimes unique, but the stories that last-that we treasure-are those whichtranscend time and place. The timeless themes are those rich with significance: the conflict between individual andsociety, the quest of the hero, the struggle between good and evil, the coming of age, the experience of birth and ofdeath, and the search for spiritual meaning."Throughout history, there have been several themes that have persisted in storytelling, regardless of historicalperiod or culture. These timeless themes are rich with significance, like the heroic journey, the battle of good versusevil, and the quest for the purpose of life.a) The paraphrase invents information that is not present in the quotation.b) The paraphrase borrows exact phrasing from the quotation.c)The paraphrase does not include all of the themes that are listed.d) The paraphrase includes a personal opinion.
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