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The London Eye is a large Ferris wheel that is a famous landmark of London. The function belowen on the Eye.odels a person's height above the ground (in feet) as a function of the number of minutes they'vef(t) =-221cos( # t) +221What is the amplitude of f and what does this value represent in the context of the problem>What is the period of f and what does this value represent in the context of the problem? Explainhow you determined the period.Define a function g that relates the height of a person off the ground (measured in feet) as afunction of the distance traveled (measured in feet) using the cosine function.Alter the function fto reflect the situation in which the London Eye rotates twice as fast.Alter the function f to reflect the situation in which the radius of the London Eye is doubled.Sketch graphs of the given function and the functions you defined in parts (e) and (f) on the sameset of axes.

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