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Discussion question:

Beginwriting out your plan of the things that you need to take care of in the nextfew weeks as you close out your foundation year placement.

Beginthe discussion with your Field Instructor about the agency's protocol regardingterminating with clients. Describe the typical process and time frame. How willyou approach terminating with your clients? When has it been advised toinform them that you are leaving? How do you feel about saying goodbye and whatfuture goals do you have for them?

Whatfeelings do you have? What will be most difficult in ending your fieldplacement? What can you do to ensure that you end the way you want to? What do you most appreciate from your Field Instructor, other staff members,and agency? Anything you want to share with your Field Instructor andother staff members before you depart? Who else do you want to make sure thatyou say good-bye to? Are you going to discuss keeping in touch and beinga possible reference in the future?

Youare almost done with your foundation year internship, what are some things thatyou have learned? What do you wish would have been different and/or goalsfor your advanced year placement? What plans do you have to celebrateyour accomplishment?

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