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Please prepare a briefing note for information (not a briefing note for decision) on either electricity or natural gas DSM for a province or territory in language that is understandable to an elected

Please prepare a briefing note for information (not a briefing note for decision) on either electricity or natural gas DSM for a province or territory in language that is understandable to an elected official such as a Minister of Energy (as opposed to an expert such as an engineer or economist). The student can choose from among the following leaders in DSM policy and programs: Yukon, BC, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Nova Scotia or New Brunswick In this briefing note, explain at least two energy services (e.g., space and water heating; from BUSI 3503 and Unit 2 readings) that are included in the DSM programs and regulations, what customer types are targeted (e.g., residential buildings, small commercial, large commercial, industrial, transportation), who operates and manages the DSM, how the programs are funded, and how the regulations are enforced.

The briefing note should be:

  • 5 pages (APA format);
  • structured according to Part 3, Chapter 4 of the Peter Love textbook;
  • written in layperson language that could be understandable to an elected official with limited background on the topic;
  • focused on those topics that are relevant for government decision makers; not including extensive background information that does not aid in making a decision;
  • evidence-based and not anecdotal; and
  • inclusive of at least three citations from the required or optional reading (note that the Peter Love Section 2 includes case studies on British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Nova Scotia; any of which can be cited).

Structure of briefing note - 

Issue   - what is requested and why this matters to the decision maker

Background - details needed to understand the issue - history, what led up  current situation

Current status  describes current situation , what happening now, why change  is recommended

Key considerations - important facts, considerations, developments. 

1.the purpose (usually stated as the issue, topic or purpose) 2.a summary of the facts (what this section contains and the headings used will be determined by the purpose of the briefing note) 3.the conclusion (this may be a conclusion, a recommendation or other advice, or both)

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Tutor Charles
Tutor Charles
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