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PLEASE READ THE ATTACHED GRADING RUBRIC AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS. Select one of these diseases. List of Possible Topics: 1. Cancer (select a specific type) 2. HIV/AIDS 3. Multiple Sclerosis 4. Sp
Select one of these diseases.
List of Possible Topics:
1. Cancer (select a specific type)
3. Multiple Sclerosis
4. Spinal cord injuries
5. Parkinson’s disease
6. Cirrhosis
7. Huntington’s disease
8. Sickle Cell disease
9. Tuberculosis
You will pick a disease for your pathophysiology paper. Select a disease from current events that is an emerging or reemerging concern to you or people in your area. Provide local epidemiological data for the disease.
The paper must be in APA format and 3-5 pages.
Your paper must include:
Introduction to the disease and the organ system (history, signs, symptoms, epidemiology etc.)
Discussion of the normal anatomy and physiology of the organ system involved (cell and tissue populations involved, organs, primary functions, connections to other body systems)
Discussion of the changes to the anatomy and physiology as a result of the disease (pathophysiology)
Discussion of treatment/prevention options
3 primary and at least 2 secondary scholarly sources
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*** ***** ** ******* ************* *********** *** United ****** ******* liver infection *** ********* ****** in ****** ***** *********** every year In *** ****** States cirrhosis is the ninth ******* reason *** ***** *** ********* *** ** *** ** passings ********* ******* ************** (FHF) ********** **** extra ******** ******************* *** *** ************ ***** (Hepatitis An *** B) ***** *************** poisons **** Amanita ********** ****** system ********* *** Wilson sickness ******** **** *** FHF have * 50-80% ***** **** except if ***** *************** [2] ********* ******* for ********* are appearedPATHOPHYSIOLOGYThe liver ******* * significant part ** union ** ******** **** *** ****** coagulating factors supplement factors and ************** *** capacity ** ******** * ** takes **** ** the ********* of ****** and ***** ********* is ********** ******** ** ********* *** ********* ******* ****** **** ** the ****** ** *** ***** **** *** reason ** ******* at **** stage *** ************ are totally ********** ** ********* **** ****** *********** ******** typical parenchyma *** ****** *** ***** ****** ** blood ** ***** *** influences *** typical capacity *********** ***** *** significant *** ** *** stellate **** in *** *********** ** ********* which *** *** **** **** ****** ******** * ******* ********** harm *** to *** ********** ******** ******** **** *** ** ******* fibrosis ****** **** *********** *** ***** ****** ** *** **** *** *********** of ******* ****** groups ********* ********** ***** ***** ******** *** ***** ***** *********** ********** ****** ** *** liver outcomes in ********** *********** ** ******* ** ********* ** *** ******** ***** and ******* ***** harmed *********** *** ********* ********* *** likewise ******** ******** ***** *** ******** by ********* **************** ** portrayed ** the arrangement of ************ knobs ** ***** ********** *********** ** ******* ***** because ** ******* ***** injury ********* ******* ******* ** ************ ** ***** ***** followed ** fibrosis and knob development *** ***** structure **** ******* *** ******* **** liver blood ****** *** ******** *** prompts ******** ************ *** *********** *********** **** Constant ***** ********** ******* * critical medical ********* across the ***** **** ***** ********* *** ******* ********** ** cirrhosis overall ** ** *** unclear as the ******** range **** **** ******** asymptomatic ** ******** ******* ************** ******** ** cirrhosis incorporates serological **** ************ test ********* ************ *** ***** strategies **** *************** ********** ********** examine *** ********** ************* ******* **** *********** ********* ** utilized *** ********* ** essential ******* cirrhosis For ********* ** ****** ****** hepatitis ********** *** ************ *** *********** ********* * *** * ********* ********** and ********* *********** *** utilized *** treatment ** hemochromatosis phlebotomy is *********** ********* of ****** infection ********* and **** *** utilized ***** transplantation is fundamental corrective ****** *** ********* ** liver ********* *** ** *** ******** ****** to *** ************ fibrosis ** ********* ** ***** ** ** ********* dynamic ****** ** ******* ****** recuperating ******** to ******* fibro ***** improvements ********* ********* *** trans ********** of ******* ******** cells ** ************** ***** prompts ******* union *** ********* of ************* grid ******** **** ******** ***** * *** **** III) joined ** ********** ** ******** ******* vasculature ********** brokenness ************ ***** **** ********** and ****** in death Cirrhosis ******* ******* ** the putrefaction ** ***** ***** ******** ** ******** what's **** **** *********** Hindrance in ***** ******** *** ********* ******* ******** ***** ***** stream and ************ ******** ******** *** clinical ********** ** ******** ************ Cirrhosis addresses the ***** ******* for ********** liver ********* ** **** the term ********* *** ********* ** ******* It is ****** **** *** ***** ********** ********* ***** ******* ** *** ****** ** ******** ******* of *** ***** Cirrhosis ** ************* as * ******* ******* ***** portrayed by fibrosis *** *** ************** ** ordinary liver ****** **** ********* ******* knobs *** ******** of liver injury to cirrhosis *** ****** **** weeks ** years ******** **** ********* * may **** ********** hepatitis *** up ** 40 years ***** ** advancing ** ********* ******** ***** ** ***** ****** are *** ***** by fibrosis which ** characterized as an ********* testimony of the ******** ** *** extracellular ******* (collagens ************* *** proteoglycans) ****** *** ***** **** ******** ** ***** injury ** conceivably ********** ***** ** **** patients cirrhosis is definitely *** * ********** *********** *************** ******** the ************ ** ********* *********** ******* ************ ascites *********** ******** and ******* *************** ******** ************ exists between ********** *********** of ********* *** *** clinical picture * *** ******** **** ********* are ******* ************ *** **** * sensibly ******** ****** while * few ***************** *** ************* ** *********** beginning ***** ** ********* ***** *** typically ** ************** ********* ********* ** causes manifestations **** **** ** ******* Tiredness ****** Weight misfortune stomach ******* *** **** ***** ******* ******** *** ********* inconveniences *** as *** *** following:1 ******** ********* *** ********* *********** Jaundice2 Splenomegaly ******* ** entry hypertension3 ************* ************ *** example thrombocytopenia4 Gastrointestinal ******** Ascites ** ******* complexity because ** gateway ************* ************* ********* ************ Hepatocellular carcinoma8 ******* *************** ************** Hepatorenal condition11 Arachnid ********* ******* ** ********** ********** ********** ** **************** ************* aminotransferase ***** ******* ************ (ALT) ******** phosphatase ***** ********* *********** **** Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase egg ****** *************** ********* *** creatinine level ****** ***** *** ****** shows ******* ***** ********* due ** ********** ******** treatment ** ******* **** ***** ****** *** ****** ***** abatements under ** g/l ***** ********** ****** focus ******** **** *** ******* and the *********** time ** drawn ***************** ********* ****** ** considered as highest quality level for ********** **** ********** ************ reviewing ** ******** *** ** ****** *** **** and *********** ** ***** infection Stains are needed *** copper *** **** ********** ** ****** ********** of ******** ******** or iron over-burden ********************* ****** distinguishes ********** **** ***** *** angiogenic *************** Techniques1 ********** ************* *********** ******* in **** ***** of *** ***** *** to identify ************** ********* ****** change and fibrosis deliver ********** ****** of ************ In ********* ***** *** be ********** ** *** ***** ****** ******** *********** *** negligible ********** ** *** ***** ******* *** ******* ** *** ******* and hepatic ***** *** assessed ************ ** utilized *** ******** *** ****** up ********* ** stay **** **** ***** ******* ********** Tomography **** (CT ********** ****** stage ******** ******** ****** *** *********** ** the ******** of ************** carcinoma3 ************ ******** *** ********* ** ******** hypertensive *********** *** ******** ********** Resonance ******* ***** ******* ************* ** favourable ******* ************** ********** ************* *********** ******** *** ******** **** ******* *** Magnetic ************* cholangiography shows *** ******* ************** Elastography ** **** *******