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Please read the following: Textbook Reading: Ch. 1, Section 1.4 "Strategy and Competitiveness" Operations and Supply Chain Management for MBAs Seventh Edition, Jack R Meredith and Scott M Shafer.Also
Please read the following:
- Textbook Reading: Ch. 1, Section 1.4 "Strategy and Competitiveness" Operations and Supply Chain Management for MBAs Seventh Edition, Jack R Meredith and Scott M Shafer.
- Also see the attached by Michael Hammer.
Case: "Wyatt Earp - The Buffalo Hunter (F. Robert Jacobs, Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1998)"
This short case discusses Wyatt Earp's innovations in operations to hunt and hide buffalos. Issues discussed in this case touch upon process choice, capacity, quality control, compensation, work structuring, and organizational structure. As you read the case, please take some time to formally answer the following questions, though they will not be turned in for a grade. This exercise is to help you better explore the topic of strategic operations.
Thought Questions:
- Compare Wyatt's buffalo hunting to the approach used by the old-timers?
- What are the key elements of business success from an operations perspective?
- Relate these ideas to Wyatt's approach. Were the buffalo hunters irresponsible in killing off the great buffalo herds as they did?
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* ********** ******* ********* ******* ******* and ****** of *** *************** the *** ***** uses * **** ******** ********** strategy **** ** ***** ** *** ** resources ** ***** ** ******** on *** ******* *** first ******** which ** **** *** ***** *** ****** invested *** **** costs ** ****** skinning ****** while ***** ***** * ****** *********** skinner ******* ** also ******** ** ******** **** ***** on *** wages which ***** be paid ** *** ******** ******* *** timers ******** *** much ***** buying ******* ********** wages horses *** ***** ********* ***** ******** on basic ********* ***** would ********** ** *** expected ******* ******* spending *** **** ** ***** ** materials ***** *** ****** **** **** wagons and ****** horses ** only **** one ***** and ******* one ** ride **** ******* *** ** save *** **** on *** **** ** huntingOn *** ****** **** ** **** *** *** timers **** ****** “fifty” rifle which ** expensive to ******** ***** saved ** this by ***** ***** **** to **** the buffalos The *** timers **** *** ** *** ***** *** ******* *** **** distances ***** ***** went *** * ***** distance to pick them Another ********* ********* was **** *** products **** ********* *** **** ***** ***** ** **** quality ********* ******** *** ******* profits2: ******** ** ******** ******* **** operations ************ *** ***** ******* ** ******** and ******** The ******** ****** be flexible **** ** ***** ** ********** ******** *** ******** ****** **** plan ** case ** **** demand whereby standby ******* and ********* will be **** ** ******* ******** ****** * short ****** ** **** ********* & Shafer ****** ******** ********* are aware ** *********** therefore **** towards ********* *** ******* of ******* *** ********** ************* **** ****** *** ******* to retain *** ******* ******* and ** ******* potential clientsc **** control: *** ******** ******** *** *********** ** order ** ******** ** the **** ****** This ** often aimed towards ******** *** **** of ********** order ** ******** ** *** earned profitsd ******** ******** ********* *** various ********* **** as ***** ********* *** finances in ***** ** ******* ******** ****** *** operations ****** ******* the resources effectively ** ***** to ********** ********** during *********** ************** ** production: **** ** *** ******* ** ************ a ******* from *** state to ******* through value ******** **** ****** *** ******* ** **** ****** ******* **** *** ***** ********* **************** ** the ideas ** ********* ***************** Wyatt ******** ** *** business in various **** **** as ********** on the ******* ** **** *** ***** ** ******* ** keep *** products for * ****** period of **** instead ** desperately ******* **** ** *** **** day ** ******* ** *** also able ** ***** *** ******** strategy ** **** ****** **** *** *************** ***** ******* **** *** ******** were ** high ******* ** making hides water ********* and ******** that **** were **** from **** and ***** ******* ** **** the ****** ***** ******** *********** By ******** **** ******* ** *********** * price ** *** **** ** ******* * ***** ****** ** ****************** ********** ***** **** ******* inputs *** ******* ********* ** ******* ** the ********* ** was **** ** ******** ** *** ****** earned An ******* is reduction of wages paid ** ******** ****** by ********* * ****** ****** skilled ************* transformation: ***** ******* ** handled *** products effectively ***** ******* **** ******* ******** **** ******* ******** ** **** ******* the ****** of ****** ******** *** ********* ** ******* **** *** *** sold This allowed *** buffalo ********* ** ******** for ****** *************************** J * ***** ****** S * (2019)Operations and ****** ***** ********** for **** **** ***** ***** Sons ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************