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***** ************************************************************* ProjectQuestion ** ******************* ************ ** *** ******* of * ******* emerge ** *** ***** ******* The ***** ************ *********** ** *** ******* **** *** executive Executive ******* ********** the ******* access ** all *** necessary ********* ********* support **** ******* **** *** ******* is *** interrupted in *** *** McCann was ******** **** *** *** executive ******* ** *** **** ********* that IT ******** ***** generate **** **** levels ** ********* from *** ********* ****** *** ***** *** ***** ****** and ********* *** *** ***** project (Smithand ***** ****** ***** He also had ****** ** the **** **** ******* *** ******* ** the **************** *********** ** the ******* of * ******* is a clear ********* of ************ *** expectations ******** ******** have ** ******** *** ***** ******** ************ ** **** as *** intended results for the project ************* *** project requirements helps in ******** **** *** ******* team ** ****** ***** ****** *** ******* ********** ************* *** ******* goals provides ********* to the ******* **** ****** ********** *** *** project ************ *** had an ********* ******** requirementAvailability ** ********* also *********** ******* ******* Resources required ** ******** include ********* ********* and ***** resources ********* ********* assist in obtaining the ***** ********* *** ***** ****** for *** project ***** ************ **** ****** ** ********** unforeseen ******* ************ Human ********* *** ********* ** creating ** effective ******* team ********* ***** *** **** ** ***** ******* the ******** implementation ** *** ******* ******** McCann *** ********* **** *** the resources ******** *** *** success of the ***** ******* *** ********* supported the ******* ****** ******* the ********* ** *** ******** ********* Some funds **** **** to motivate *** ********* ******* team ******* **** ********* to ******* ***** ***** *** * ***** **** ** their performance ****** was **** ***** the ******* ** hire any **** ******* ** even *** * ******** ******** that ****** **** **** ******** ** *** ******* ************* ** *********** ***** ******* *********** **** ******** that ********** *** success The ***** ************ barrier ** the use ** unrealistic ************ *** deadlines ********* *** ******* ********* ****** projects **** cannot be ******** *** ** **** ******** **** **** create ********* **** ****** ** ******** ***** *** available ********* *********** ********* **** to **** ******* **** **** ********** *********** *** final ******* ****** ********** ***** ******* *** ** *********** ******** *** project *** ***** a **** ***** ******* **** ***** **** be * **** ** ******* some ******** project elements ** ******** *** ***** deadline ******* *** ******* ** the ******* ** ******** ** the ********* technologies ****** **** * ******** ***** ** ********* *** *** ** ******** ********** **** the ********* ******* *** already ***** ** *** ********* ********** *** *********** unrealistic ******** ******* ********** ******* to **** *********** to *** project ** ** prudent for the project ** **** ******** deadlines that *********** ********** changesProjects *** negatively ******** in *** ******** of ************ ************* Communication has to ** ********** ****** *** ******* ***** ** guarantee success ************ ************* ******* conflicts between ******* team members ********* ** ** ***** *** lack ** consistency **** leads ** * *********** ** information **** ***** **** *** ******* Sometimes *** **** ******* ***** ** doing the same **** *** **** result ** *** ***** of ********* and **** ****** *** inconsistent **** *** ************* ********** on *** ****** ** ***** ******* ****** ***** ***** ******* ******* ******** **** *** employment ***** **** ************ ** *** ***** human resource **** ** **** ****** ** introduce ******* to *** project’s **** ** * result most of ********** ******* were *********** ** **** *********** since *** **** ***** ** ******* *** *********** conflicts also ****** the success ** ******** ******** *** **** to time ******* since time is ******** ******* the ********* instead ** delivering ******* milestones **** ** **** ******** **** ******* *** quality ** the ***** product ***** *********** team ******* **** not ******* ******* ******* McCann has * **** cohesion ******* **** ******** Tompkins was ***** ** *** *** ********** ******* *** ***** ******** ** ******* **** Tompkins ***** ** the crucial ****** to ***** *********** *** ********** ** the project ******* **** ******* is ******* ******* and *** rest The ******* **** ******* to ****** Perkin’s design mostly because ** *** ******* ** *** ****** The disparity between ******* *** *** teams has *** ** *** *********** ** ******* ***** threatens *** continuity of *** project through ******** ********** ******* ** ****** **** and ** ** * ***** ** ********* **** *** *** ******* *** not consideredQuestion 3: ************ ****** ******* ** ********* deadline ********* **** *** ********* He ****** explain to *** ********* **** ** **** be ******* *** *** ******* to ***** *** market first **** ******** technology A competitor with the ************ ********** **** ****** **** them **** *** ****** ****** ****** **** replace the ***** ******* **** a company **** has the ****** ********** That will save **** since the Irish ******* is ***** ******** *** software updates ****** ****** **** ****** **** Thompson ****** **** *** ******* dictionary McCann should *** *** ********* ******** ******* *** **** Perkins *** ** be ********** to the **** ** *** team ** ********* the ******* stalemate ** the ************************* * * *** * D ****** ****** “Project Management ** MM” ************ ********* ****** of ******** **************** * A ** ***** ********* * ***** de Moraes H * O * ****** ******** ** *** use ** ** ** project ********** *********** ** * ***** ********* *********** International ******* ** ******* ********** ***** *************** * ****** *********** ******* factors ** ************ ********* * case ***** ******* Management ******* ***** ******