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Please respond to this post with at least 250 words citation and references. A phenomenon in research is more so viewed in qualitative-based research as the approach where the aim of the research is t

Please respond to this post with at least 250 words citation and references.

A phenomenon in research is more so viewed in qualitative-based research as the approach where the aim of the research is to be able to explain a phenomenon, or a specific problem through the lens of a person who has actually experienced it (Neubauer, Witkop, & Varpio, 2019, p.91). In the case of constructing research around the experiences of international college students attending school in the United States, the identified phenomenon here can be described as how their personal experiences as international students attending domestic institutions have affected them as individuals, perhaps from a mental wellness standpoint. This area of research may be explored through qualitative research with creating survey questions that are more open ended where the participating international student will be able to give more honest responses about their experiences in order for the researcher to be able to have a clear understanding of the feedback received. Qualitative-based research where the focus of inquiry is social-empirically based focuses on the how and why of behaviors (Archpru Akaka & Jensen Schau, 2023, p.189). Since we want to focus on the "why" and "how" of behaviors, some considerations to make are where each of the students come from, their ages, sex, rankings in college, their areas of study, and then of course a description of what ways whether positive or negative that they feel their college experiences have altered their lives. Identifying demographic information could help the researcher spot anything common among the participants and then of course providing open ended questions toward their experiences will help see the cause and affects of any noted resulting behaviors. 


Archpru Akaka, M. & Jensen Schau, H. (2023). The stories you tell: Crafting Managerially Relevant Articles Based on Qualitative Research. Journal of Advertising Research, 63(2), 185–200.

Neubauer, B.E., Witkop, C.T. & Varpio, L. (2019). How phenomenology can help us learn from the experiences of others. Perspectives on Medical Education. (8) 90–97


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