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*** ******* ***** ** Meeting:Please note **** **** ** the ******** *********** *** *** ******* in ********* **** ****** ***** ***** *** **** meeting? ** *** please ***** ***** ****** steps *** **** **** ** ******** ** ** please ******* the ********** **** *** *********** *** this ** **** ***** SNT ******* write 'first ******** ********* *** first ****** was ** meet *** group members and each ****** ** **** ** with SMART **** ***** *** **** successful (first meeting)2 Please state **** **** ***** *** ***** ***************** ***** ************* **** goal ****** **** specific ******* ** *** **** what ******** ******************** **** **** *** have solid criteria *** ************ **** ******** toward your *************** *** can ******* ****** action steps ******* your ************** **** goal **** be ********* **** ** ********** *** ************** Specific: Having ******** ***** *** ********* *** ********* ***** ***** *** ** ************* ***** **** is ** ******* * ****** ********** by *** ***** **** ** to *** * budget ** *** *** ***** Please **** *** actions ***** you will take ** achieve your ***** stated ***** These *** action ***** that will be ********* ** next ******** ******** **** ****** my resume * **** **** my ******* 3 Submit a ****** ********** application ** two institutions”a) *** ***** ****** **** * **** take ** ** **** ** **** a specific ****** ** money ** ***** ****** ******* *** ******** * *** set ** ***** **** *** more than **** ** a **** during ******* holidaysb) * **** **** ***** ** ** upper ***** expenditurec) * **** also ** ****** habits ***** ***** ***** ** expenditure *** ******* * decide ** **** two ** *** meal **** How **** *** **** ******** ** *** ******** ****** *** ******* **** ***** ** ******* **** life?During *** ******* * had ** ***** my ***** **** with ** ***** ******* and * *** ** ***** *** ideas *** * *** achieve ** **** **** the ********* * *** **** **** ********* me ***** ** ** ********* ******* ** me ***** **** ** believe ** ****** ** achieve ** ********* ******* ******* of Meeting: Please **** **** **** ** *** ******** Meeting” 1 *** *** ******* ** ********* **** ****** ***** since the **** ******** ** *** please ***** ***** action ***** *** **** **** ** complete ** ** ****** explain *** challenges **** *** *********** (If **** ** your first *** ******* ***** ****** ******** here)*Not ****** ******* adapting new ******* such as limiting ****** from going *** *** weekend *** using **** ***** **** I **** ** spend *** not that easy for ** *** ***** ** **** *********** * **** ***** it **** ** ***** to *** eating ***** and ** **** was not **** *** me to adapt ** *** **** *** day (Second ************* ****** ***** **** **** ***** *** ***** ***************** Avoid ************* **** **** ****** **** ******** ******* so *** **** **** you’re ******************** Make **** you **** solid ******** *** ************ **** ******** ****** **** *************** *** *** clearly ****** ****** steps ******* **** ************** Your **** **** ** ********* that ** meaningful and ************** Specific: ****** ******** ***** for ********* and finishing ***** ***** *** ** *************** ***** goal ** to ******* * Sports ********** by *** ************ **** ** ** *** * ****** ** the end of June   3 Please **** *** actions steps you **** **** ** ******* your ***** stated above ***** *** ****** steps **** **** ** ********* by next ***************** “1 ****** ** ****** 2 **** **** ** ******* 3 ****** * ****** ********** *********** at *** ****************** * shared *** ********** I *** after *** ***** meeting **** my ***** ******** * wrote **** *** feedback * *** from *** ***** members so that * *** *** the ** ** ****** ***** to ******* ** ********* *** have *** **** ******** ** *** meetings ****** you ******* **** ***** ** ******* **** life?NLS ******** ********* ******* in ** and ******* ** ********* ******* ******** in ****** ****** It has **** helped ** ** interact with ********* ****** ***** by ** *** ****** to **** ** * team *** also ****** ** improve my ********** for ******* my views among **** **** two ** **** people SNT MEETING Date of Meeting: Please **** **** **** ** *** ******** ************* *** *** ******* in ********* your ****** ***** since *** last ******** ** *** ****** ***** ***** ****** ***** you were **** ** ******** If ** ****** ******* *** ********** that *** experienced *** this is **** ***** *** ******* ***** 'first ******** here)*Yes * ********* in ********* ** goals *** **** *** ******** by ****** **** consideration the ******** I *** **** my ***** members ****** the ****** *** ******* **** *** ******* * *** **** *** **** ******** ******** me so much (third ************* ****** ***** **** **** using *** SMART ***************** ***** generalities! **** goal ****** have ******** ******* ** *** **** **** you’re achievingMeasurable: **** **** *** **** ***** ******** *** ************ **** progress ****** **** *************** *** can ******* ****** action steps ******* **** ************** Your **** **** ** ********* that ** ********** and worthwhileTime Specific: Having ******** ***** *** beginning *** ********* ***** ***** *** ** *************** ***** **** is ** ******* * Sports ********** by May 1st” My **** ** ** *** a goal ** *** *** ** ************* Please **** the ******* ***** *** **** take ** ******* **** goals ****** ***** ***** *** action ***** that **** ** completed ** **** ***************** “1 Finish ** ****** 2 Talk **** my ******* 3 ****** * ****** internship *********** ** two institutions”Planned *** ** meal 2 ****** ********* ** my ******* **** * **** at my **** place ****** ***** ******** *** *** leftovers ****** ***** ** **** *** * ******* using ***** **************** How **** *** NSLS ******** ** *** ******** helped *** ******* **** ***** ** ******* **** ******** **** speakers **** ** with ********* on *** ** ******* ** goal instilling **** *** ******* ** ** And ******* ***** meetings ***** **** **** by *** *** ** **** I **** ** **** ** achieve ** ****

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