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******************** Practice ************************************************************************* ******** *************************** ******* **** *** ********* ********** ***** *** *** ************ developers were *********** ***** *** ** ******* ********* ******* ** *** acknowledgment ******* *** **** *** **** ******** *** funding *** *** ****** ********* *** ********** **** ** *** ********** have ****** *********** of *** reviewed ******* *** *********** strategy *** ** ********** **** **** ******** *** *** ************ ********** ** ******** practice guidelines Truly ** explicit *** ******** *** **** ******* was **** ** ********* select and combine evidence *** ******* any ********* ******* Primary ******* ********* ************* to ******** ******** **** *** ******** ********* *** ************ **** *** ***** ******** **** *** final copy of *** *** *** ******** ** *** **** *********** ********* ***** ** ********* *** ACE board ** trustees ****** *** **** review ********** ********** et ** 2017)Also ***** *** ******* of *** grading ****** of *** *************** ***** the ****** ******* ** *** guideline However there *** ** ******* ** specific ******* **** the ******** **** was ******** ** words used **** *** ********** ******* *** * comprehensive reproducible literature review *** there were ********** reviews that **** outside *** ** ****** ***** ***** were *** references cited *** each *** had a ********* descriptor *** **** attached to ** *** ********* options and impacts were ********** ******* ************* *** ******* for *********** **** diabetes ***** and ******************** with ************ ***** were ** *************** *** **** request ** *** guideline *** tagged ** *** ************** ** evidence ** which it ** ***** and ****** with *** scientific ******** ********** ** ** ********** *** ********** **** ******** *************** reflecting ***** ******** about outcomes *********** *** ***** **** ** *** *** was ******** by *** **** publication ********* ***** ** directors *** *** ***** ** ******** ****** ********** *** **** ****** by endocrine ********************* ***** ********************** ** *** ** ******** for ******** *** *** an *************** ** ******** ***** dyslipidemia *** ******* cardiovascular ******* *** recommendations *** clinically ******** For example in 2016 **** **** 600000 ****** **** hospitalized *** to ** ** ASCVD and ****** *** and ********* **** will **** reduce the ****** ********* ***** *** improve the outcome for many ******** *** ************** **** help ** ****** *** ** patients ** an NP * **** ** ***** the *** to plan the **** ** ** patients ** ****** the ****** ********* ******* ***** ***** of the ******* ************* ** high-risk ******** and ** *** up ** ***** treatment ******* The recommendations are ********* *** ********* *** ********* *** *************** *** not *********** variation **** ******* ******** except for * few ******* and *** ******* *** ** measured ******* standard ***************************** * * ************** * ******* P ****** * Figaro * * ****** J * & ***** S ****** ******** *********** ** ******** **************** and ******** ******* ** ************* ******** *** ************ ********** ** ******** ******** ********** ********** *** ***************** *************** Practice23(8) *************

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