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Visual Basic Essay

ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity:

 Minimum of 3 resources

IntroductionVisual Basic, or VB, is a popular scripting language in the Windows ecosystem. In various forms, it has been around for quite some time, and in its current incarnation, it offers some solid tie-ins to the Windows API.

Python is also a scripting language that offers many of the same benefits – and more – as VB.

Which means – it’s time for a faceoff!

Activity InstructionsFor this paper, do a deep-dive on Python and VB. Explore, in detail, the origins of both and what use cases they were originally designed for. Compare how the languages are similar, and how they differ – be specific with code blocks showing differences. Since VB is now a .NET language, can it run on platforms other than Windows?

Once done with the above, take a position and make a call on which language - Python, VB, or neither – will provide you the most earning potential as a programmer. If you take the “neither” position, what is your language of choice? Be specific, and cite data on professional compensation, if possible.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

·         5 pages (approx. 300 words per page), not including title page or references page

·         1-inch margins

·         Double spaced

·         12-point Times New Roman font

·         Title page with topic and name of student

·         References page (minimum of 3 resources)

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