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Please write pseudo-code to read all time cards, process them, and output Total_Regular_Hours and Total_Overtime_Hours for a client.

1.Please write pseudo-code to read all time cards, process them, and output Total_Regular_Hours and Total_Overtime_Hours for a client.  

Each time card has Time_In (0900 for example) and Time_Out (1700 for example). 

If the client worked more than 8 hours for a day, any hours over 8 must be treated as overtime hours. 

(Time_Out - Time_In) would be the number of hours the client worked for that day.

The client may have many time cards to be processed.

2.Explain primary key (PK) and foreign key (FK) of a table or relation. 

What may be their relationships: 1-to-1, 1-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many? 

Please show the primary key(s) and foreign key(s) in the CUSTOMER table and the APPOINTMENT table.

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