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******** * Adam ****** ********* Baidu Research ******* ****** AI ******* *** *** ******** ******* ** AI **** *** research side ***** ** ******** a very **** ramp-up ** ** *** bottom of that *********** ***** ***** ****** **** *** inside could *** **** this *** ********* *** *** * very **** **** *** things **** ** ***** ***** **** deep learning ***** ** the technology **** ** ******** a *** of progress right *** **** **** *** ** **** ** the *************** ******* businesses *** companies were actually ***** *** **** **** ******** ** **** ***** ******* hit the **** ** ********* ***** ***** suddenly *** ****** that ** ***** ***** with **** ************* technology ****** much **** powerful and ****** ******** *** *** ******* ** ***** ***** before *** ** **** ** looked like a *** surprise **** it **** *** ** ******* And ** is ******** **** a very long ******* **** you *** **** ****** *** output ** right nowMohak ********* ****** data ******* ***** Research *** Technology ****** North **************** ******** *** come ** ** a **** enabler But ** the **** **** ** are *** ** * ******** where ** have enough empirical **** ** ******* *** ******** and ****** ******* ***** ** essentially **** it ** the **** ***** **** learning *** ****** an ******* of what ** have always thought ********* ******* or AI **** ********** to ******* In ***** ** *** ****** that ** *** ***** *** ** *** ***** solving **** ***** problems ** *** not ****** ******* **** *********** problems ****** that all ***** ***** problems are ******** ******** ****** ** achieving ********* **** **************** 5 *** ***** ** ******** ******* ********** **** ********** *** **** (Cloud ***************** *********** other ******** *********** ** the ***** **** ***** ********** ** *** **** ******** ** ********** ** **** ************ ******* ******** Instead ** ************* ***** ** *** now ******* ******** *** to learn *** ********* ********* ** their own *** **** *** ******* ****** at ** **** **** *** example the more * ********** *** ****** on *** **** *** ****** ** getsDeep ************ ******** ** *** process ** ************ Neural ******** ** **** *********** **** to **** ******** *** **** solutions ** *** ******* ******** ** understand *** comprehend *** world ** *** ways ******* ** until very ******** **** was *** *** caseFor ******** ** took * **** **** for ******** ** distinguish ******* *************** ******* Finally ** **** *** ************ ******* ** crowd source *** solution ** *** ********* and ******** ******** of ****** asking ******** ********** all ****** *** ***** ** create ******** ******* to *********** ******* them *** ********* was ** ****** the ******** ***** of ** ******* (that ** a ****** *** the **** software that **** ******* a ***** ** ** percent While this *** **** ****** for ******* ****** ***** ** ******** **** ****** for ********** ************ ***** ** ***** driverless ******** ******** of ************* is **** ********** *** ******* ******** to do things ** its *** ** **** and ***** ****** ** ** ******* *** ***** machines *** *********** computingCloud ********* ** *** **** ****** **** *** enabled AI ** learn **** other AI **** ******* ** ******* *********** ********** ******* ***** ************ *** ********** **** separately cloud technology has ******* **** to **** **** each ***** ********* ** *** ******* ********* **** if *** driverless *** ********* * **** ************ *** ********** ******** ****** **** intelligent and ********* ********* the **** *** applications ***** *** and *** more **** people *** **** *** ****** **** ***** today’s *** *** *** customer *********** *** data ** **** ** **** ******* that’s **** ***** ** *********** *** ************ *** organizations ******* *** process **** **** drive *** ****** *** *** ** **** ** the ****** *** ********** determine **** *** ****** ** work ** *** ************* 15Dragon ***** *********** ********** ********** ofspeech *************** ******** ******* ***** ***** *** ***** are *** **** to *** *** ***** ** ***** ** ****** ************* *** ********* ******** ******** ******** delivery ***** *** ** ***** ***** ******** satisfaction *** people still love to **** ******** to ** ***** ** resolve ********* or ******* ****** ******** *** **** ******* ************* *** working ** create ******** *** effective *********** ***** ******** *** ************ ********* **** ******** customer self-service **** ******** demands and drive *********** efficiency *** ****** ***** ***** the ***** ** *********** ********** conversational ************ a ******* ** ******** **** **** brand ******* **** **** ****** *** ******** and serving customers becomes much less ********* *** *** **** advanced ****** ********* (backed by ******* starter ***** and ********** you ****** Engage ********* ****** ** ****** them the ************ contextual experiences **** want· Keep ***** down by ********** ********** and making ************ **** *********** ****** **** ***** ** ******* ********** and *********** ***** ************ *** ******* **** across ******** **** *** to ****** *** *** *** ******* **** self-service ****** ** ************************* *** ******* that ********* *** process ** ************ intelligence(AI) ** *** ******* ** a ******* ** ******** system to copy ***************** processes learn **** *********** ***** to *** *********** *** ******* ********** activities ************* ******* on ***** ********* ******* learning ********* *** *************** Learningprocesses involves combining large amounts of **** **** **** ********* ********** andintelligentalgorithms ******** *** software ** ***** ************* **** patterns or ******** ** the data ********* ********* ** a ******** ******** ******* for * natural ********** *********** with ********

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