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POLS210 Week 3 Quiz Latest 2017

Question 1 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsWhat is main purpose of taxes?A.promote fairnessB.modify citizen behaviorC.provide funds to run the governmentD.subsidize jobsQuestion 2 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsArticle I of the Constitution cites the minimum age for a House representative and for a senator. What are they?A.25 for representatives and 30 for senatorsB.35 years for bothC.25 years for bothD.35 for representatives and 25 for senatorsQuestion 3 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsWhat is conference committee?A.a meeting to reconcile the differences between varying versions of similar legislation approved in both chambersB.a meeting between the president and Majority Leader of the SenateC.the committee that sets the conference schedule for all chamber committeesD.a meeting between the president and Speaker of the House to negotiateQuestion 4 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsOmnibus bills are the most common bills passed in Congress today. The key to them is “reconciliation.” What is this?A.a procedure where a Senate bill is not allowed to be filibusteredB.a procedure where a bill in committee is reconciled to accommodate the minority positionC.a procedure where the differences between bills passed by both chambers of Congress are worked out (reconciled)D.a procedure where a bill must receive floor votes in both chambers of CongressQuestion 5 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsWhat is cloture?A.a vote in the Senate to end a filibuster requiring 60 votesB.a vote in the Senate to end a filibuster requiring 51 votesC.a vote in the House to end a filibusterD.a French word meaning “guillotine”Question 6 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsWhat is the technical term for when Congress passes a budget that spends more money than the government is projected to collect in taxes?A.normal budgetB.irresponsibleC.national debtD.budget deficitQuestion 7 of 100.0/ 10.0 PointsWhat is the filibuster?A. a procedure that takes advantage of the Senate's open debate rules to defeat or delay a bill .B. a procedure in the House to pass a proposed billC. a procedure in the House to defeat or delay a billD. a procedure in conference committees to pass a billQuestion 8 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsCongress is considered to be the branch that is “closest to the people” because:A.Congress is the branch with two chambers.B.More of the population lives on the East Coast than anywhere else and is closest to Washington,C.The public votes directly for members of Congress and thus this branch provides the clearest voice of the people.D.In poll after poll, the Congress rates unfavorably with the public.Question 9 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsWhat is the term that describes the structure of the Congress as planned by the Founders?A.unicameralB.bicameralC.bilingualD.binicornQuestion 10 of 100.0/ 10.0 PointsIf members of one chamber of Congress cannot pass a bill by a majority vote, then:A.The bill dies.B.The bill can be re-introduced in the other chamber for another go.C.The bill can be re-introduced in a future year for another go.D.All of the above.

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******** * ** ****** *** PointsWhat is **** ******* ** ************** *************** citizen **************** ***** ** *** *** ******************** ************ * of ****** 100 ************* I of *** ************ cites the ******* *** *** * ***** representative and *** * senator **** *** ******** *** representatives *** 30 for *********** years *** ******* ***** *** bothD35 for *************** *** 25 *** **************** 3 of ****** 100 PointsWhat is ********** ************ ******* ** ********* the differences between ******* ******** ** ******* *********** ******** ** both ********** ******* ******* *** president *** ******** Leader of the ********** ********* that **** the ********** ******** *** *** chamber ************ ******* ******* *** ********* *** ******* ** the ***** ** ***************** * of 10100/ *** ************* ***** *** *** most ****** ***** ****** ** ******** ***** *** key to **** ** ******************** What ** ******* procedure ***** a Senate bill ** not ******* ** ** ************** ********* where * **** ** ********* ** reconciled ** *********** *** minority ********** ********* ***** *** differences between bills ****** by **** ******** ** Congress *** ****** *** (reconciled)Da ********* ***** * **** **** ******* floor ***** in **** ******** ** CongressQuestion * of ****** *** ********** ** ********** **** ** *** ****** ** end * ********** ********* ** ******* vote in the ****** ** *** a filibuster ********* ** ******* **** ** *** House to *** * filibusterDa ****** **** ******* ************************ 6 of ****** *** ********** ** *** ********* **** for **** Congress passes * ****** **** ****** **** ***** **** *** ********** ** ********* ** ******* ** ************* ***************************** debtDbudget *************** 7 ** 1000/ 100 ********** ** *** ************ * ********* **** ***** ********* ** the ******** open debate rules ** defeat or ***** * **** * * ********* ** *** ***** ** **** * ******** billC * procedure in *** ***** ** defeat ** ***** * billD * procedure ** conference ********** ** **** * billQuestion 8 ** 10100/ *** ************** ** ********** to ** *** ****** **** is ********** to the people” ***************** ** the ****** with *** chambersBMore ** the population ***** on the East ***** than anywhere **** *** ** ******* ** WashingtonCThe ****** ***** directly for members ** Congress *** **** **** ****** ******** the ******** voice ** *** ********* **** ***** poll *** ******** rates *********** with *** ************** * of ****** *** PointsWhat ** *** term that ********* the ********* of the ******** ** ******* ** the ********************************************************* ** ** 1000/ 100 ******** ******* ** *** ******* ** ******** ****** **** * bill ** * ******** **** then:AThe bill ******** **** *** be ************* ** *** other ******* *** ******* ****** **** *** ** ************* ** a future **** *** another ****** ** *** *******

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