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Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate daysfor full participation. Thisincludes your initialpostand 2 repliesto other students. Initial Post Respond to the following in a minimum of 1

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate daysfor full participation. Thisincludes your initialpostand 2 repliesto other students.

Initial Post

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

What is an example of past trends pertaining to the development and operation of community based corrections? How does institutional corrections and community corrections differ in relation to operations and development? How can we improve the development and operation of corrections by utilizing past, current, and future trends?

Response to this post 1

A past trend pertaining to the development and operations of community based corrections would be the issue with overcrowding of our prison system. Many individuals are trying to come up with solutions for this issue from looking at early release of the medically incompetent inmates that prove to be no threat to society, either because they are in a coma or terminally ill. Another past trend would be the rehabilitation of offenders either through treatment programs or work release programs. The rehabilitation process has been debated for years, does it work or does it just slow an offender down for a short period of time.

The main difference between institutional corrections and community corrections would be the cost to the taxpayers and the issue of the prisons being over populated. The process of Community corrections is mainly used for the non-violent offenders. With community corrections the offender is still punished but they do not go to jail or prison. They may have to fulfill a certain amount of time of community service time, repay the victim.

By collecting data of what crimes have been committed in the past, could help law enforcement agencies determine a pattern and to help establish laws like the “Three Strike Law” for repeat offenders.

Response to this post 2

According to Stinchomb (2005) the future of corrections will be affected by everything from the national economy and current public opinion to drug-related crime and the aging of prison populations. An example of past trend to the development and operations of the community based corrections would be the issue with overcrowding of prison system.Many individuals are trying to come up with solutions for the this issues of early release of the medically incompetent inmates that prove to be no treat to society,either because they are in a coma or terminally ill. Another example of past trend would be the rehabilitation of offenders either through treatment programs or work related programs. Many debated over the years if this type of treatment program work for offenders. Community corrections programs oversee offenders outside of jail or prison, and are administered by agencies or courts with the legal authority to enforce sanctions while institutional corrections involves the incarceration & rehabilitation of adults, juveniles convicted of offenses against the law, and the confinement of persons suspected of a crime awaiting trial & adjudication("Community Corrections"). The development and operation of corrections can be improve my minimizing the amount of inmates behind bars,especially those who pose a very low risk to public safety.This approach would improve sentencing fairness and would be a more efficient use of correction resources.

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