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Privacy policies withing facial recognition

How does facial recognition affect the privacy of usa citizens and how is it a problem if the FBI is supposedly keeping that information away from the public?

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Prof. Sweden
Prof. Sweden
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** *** ********** says **** **** want ***** **** ** ****** the ******** *** information *** *** *** investigations and **** **** ** interest ** the **** **** ********** By incomplete *********** *** ************** are ******

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************* standing ** ** ******* *** *** do *** know *** ** ******** behind *** **** *** ********** this ******* ***** be ******** Cameras that ***** over public ****** and use **** *********** technology ** search for *** **** may become more widespread since *** ********* attacks ** ********* ** 2001 ******* ** airports and ****** are ********** ****** *********** *** **** **** **** * ******** to ** recognized against FBI **** ****** ***** Such technologies *** ********* ********* **** ******* *********** ******* *********** *** possibly even murdersVisionics Corporation ******* *** ****** **** **** are ***** ******* *** able ** participate in **** *** concept ** security *** *** pleased to have ******** ******** **** *** National Institute of ******* (NIJ) for *** **** deployment ** **** ******* **** ** ****** ***** chairman and *** ** ********* *********** **** ** ****** ***** ***** ****** *** greatly used *** *********** ********** ********** ********* **** ******* *** *** ***** *** need ** ** caught and ***** **** accordinglySome ***** *** **** this ** an ******** ** ******* ***** liberties ********* are ******* ****** ***** ***** ******* ******* ** the ********** Privacy Information ****** in ********** **** ****** *** ********* ********** concerns ***** terrorism *** we **** ** find ********* ***** to **** the ********** ***** **** "he worries that ********* *** ******* ahead ** **** ***** ******* *********** *** ************ (qtd ** O'Harrow ********** ****** *** **** **** *** ******** ** ******* *** is ** **** ways ******** ** *** ********* *** ************ make it ******** *** employers ** monitor **** aspects of ***** ********** **** ********** ** *** ********* ******** ********* voicemail *** ** *** ******** Such ********** ** ********* unregulated ********* unless ******* policy specifically ****** otherwise **** employer may ****** ***** *** **** **** of **** ************** ******* **** ******* If it ** **** *** an employer ** ****** **** privacyas an e-mailed **** **** seeing your picture ** a ****** **** will **** *** ***** ******* should make us *** **** ********* *** *** ** automated ****** ******* ** *** **** **** photo ** taken ** ****** that **** ***** is not ***** ****** **** **** account **** of *** ******* ****** ** ******** for **** technology **** ***** is taken from ***** ******* ********* *** **** *** ** ******* **** technique ******* ** ** ***** that *** ****** ** ***** ** ** ****** **** ********* ************* ** an ************* ****** *********** ******** ****** that allows computers ** ******* *** accurately ****** and ********* ***** *** ******* standard ******** is *** ** **** ***** ***** *********** ***** ******** *** Equal ***** Rate ***** ** ** * ***** than one percent) US **** Research *** ********** ** *** USA ********** ******** ***** ***** *** pretty **** **** ** ******* the ******* person ** ******* ** *** ******** **** *** ******* ***** ********* to be **** they have *** ***** person ** **** if the ******* ****** *** ** give ** some ******* ** "Privacy" ** order ** ** **** ** we want our country ** ** ********** ** ** we **** *** **** ******* ** see *** ******* ********** ** ** **** nothing ** **** than **** does it matter ** *** bad **** *** *************** a ****** ****** ****** ******** **** ***** ** **** to ********* **** ***** ** ******* ** ****** *** **** level ** security *** ******* ******* ** * ****** attack and ********* *** ****** ******* *** ** **** **** happen ****** **** *** ****** ******** ** the *** ******** ***** ******** **** ******* in ********** **** ** ****** par11)Some ** us ** maybe some ** *** conversations **** ** ******** ** ***** some of *** e-mail **** ** **** or ***** our photograph **** **** ** on **** ****** ** ** airport Well ***** ** * terrorist ** ******* to **** ** * *** ****** ** privacy ** find all *** *** **** America *** never be *** ******* **** from terrorists *** ******* *** **** down some *** **** like * *********** ** **** ***** *** **** faceWorks ************ ******** ******** World" **** ***** Observer ** Sept ************* ** ****** ********** **** Staff ****** ****** Sept ** ***** Page ********** *********** ****** ********** *** ** *********

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