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PROBLEM DEFINITION: Write a program that has three functions that do the following (identify parameters and returned values for each function): A...
INTRODUCTIONThe goal of this programming assignment is to enable you to practice programming using lists.PROBLEM DEFINITION:Write a program that has three functions that do the following (identify parameters and returnedvalues for each function): A main() function that calls the other two functions and then displays the norm* (see below). A fillVector() function to input as many numbers (float or double) into a list as the userwants. The program should validate input i.e. reject non-numbers. A computeNorm() function to calculate the norm of the vector. A norm of a vector is definedas the square root of the sum of the squares of vector elements:For example, given vector x = [-2 3 -1]The norm is |x| = √ ( (-2)2 + 32 + (-1)2) = 3.74* The message displayed by the main() function should be descriptive. For example:The norm of your vector is 3.74Write a statement at the bottom of the program to call the main() function.THE PYTHON PROGRAMThe program should do what is specified in the PROBLEM section above. The program shouldhave the following features:1) The first few lines of your program should be comments that state the program name, theauthor’s (your) name, date the program is released, and a brief description of the main taskperformed by the program.2) Your program should have meaningful variable names. There should be a comment beforeeach function definition and at each major function point: input, calculation, output, loop.EXTERNAL DOCUMENTATIONType a report of your solution in a Word or OpenOffice Writer document. You should structureyour document in four clear sections each with a subheading as follows:1. PROBLEM DEFINITIONThe problem definition comes here. This is a summary of the PROBLEM section above. 2. ANALYSISGive the variables that you have identified to hold data and explain the type of data for eachvariable. Give variables to store results of formulas. Also give variables to hold constants.Give formulas to convert input data to output data using variable names that you identified(do not copy the formula given in the PROBLEM DEFINITION section of this document.Rather, use your own variable names in the formula).3. DESIGNExplain the reasoning of the structure and logic of your program. Give the algorithm inpseudocode form of the step by step statements to carry out the required programming taskin English phrases. Pseudocode should be structured meaning that phrases inside if … orwhile … or for … or functions should be indented. Pseudocode should be in nicely listedphrases not English prose. Pseudocode should not be in Python.4. IMPLEMENTATIONWhat was the platform and programming environment used? Name the Operating Systemand compiler. How did you test your program? Give the data used to test the program. Didyou encounter any unusual situations when running the program (For example, whathappens when an alphabetic character is input instead of an account number)?PROGRAM RUN RECORD [see the APPENDIX at the end of this document]Run your program and save the program run session. For example, if you use IDLE you canclick on File on the menu and choose Save as … then change the Save as type to Text filesbefore typing the file name and clicking on SAVE.