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Problem : The report* contains a table with the date , Auburn score , opponent score , Wor L for an Auburn win or loss , and the current season...

this is the text file 'WBB_stats_2019.txt

I am having trouble getting the file to display the information about the basketball scores and then ordering how the assignment is asking it to be displayed. It is not a very long program but I have a lot of other work to get done this week and I could really use the help. If you are good at programming then I thank you.

  • Attachment 1
  • Attachment 2
  • Attachment 3
  • Attachment 4
Problem :`The next three assignments will analyze the statistics from the Auburn Women's Basketball 2018 - 2019 season . The report*contains a table with the date , Auburn score , opponent score , Wor L for an Auburn win or loss , and the current season average*for Auburn and opponent for each game . The summery contains the AUT total wins and losses and the most and least point for ALTand opponents . Create at pie chart comparing the total points for Auburn and opponents .Instructions for all assignments scripts ."I See Standards for Documentation of MATLAB Programs on the Canvas Resources page .Insert these comments at the top and throughout each file .*OInclude the follow comments at the beginning of this ( and ALL ) Files .*$ submitter's name , GROUP #`Grade of ZERO for files if submitter name not part of Canvas group .Not in a group ? GROUP# is " home " . For your own protection ,& other group members' namestype " Home " if submitting alone .*$ program File name , ex. assign DZ a. m ALL STUDENTS' NAMES MUST MATCH NAMES ON CANVAS.& due date of the assignment*& statement about collaborationREQUIRED , even if you didn't collaborate . See syllabus for examples .& a short narrative about what the file doesMODIFY narrative to include current requirements .Use the algorithm given as comments throughout your program .Observe the instructor's rule for naming variables .OUse ALL CAPS for constants variable namesOStart other variables with lower case .If you do not submit individually .Use descriptive variable names .there will beaUse Sample Input / Output as a guide .2 5 POINTS PENALTY for not joining aCode clarity :*group on Canvas .*OIndent blocks as needed . Use Smart Indent .Groups can be 2 - 4 students .*Divide your solution program code into sections as noted in theDO NOT join a group unless you havealgorithm .*worked with the other members . If youUse blank lines as needed to group statements .do , you will be removed from the group*Use section comments as well as the algorithm step comments .and given the grade of zero .ORemove statements from previous assignments that do not apply to thecurrent requirements ."MINUS FIVE POINTS for nothaving the CORRECT CURRENTUse comments to show units .*GROUP NUMBER in your*Use the CONSTANT and variable names ; not numbers .Exceptions are incrementers and numbers without identity .D No extra output , i.e. use semicolons*Program : assign Us. MUse the given function names for the functions . You may use different input and output variable names , but the order and quantity*must be as given .Function [ ] = printReport ( dates , scores )& print season reportThe following are subfunctions used by print Report and are located in printReport . InFunction [ ] = printHeaders ( )$ print title and headers*Function [ ] = printGames ( dates , scores )$ print date , $` scores , W / I , current average For each gameFunction [ ] = printFooter ( scores , wins , Losses )print number wins , Losses ; highest and lowest pointsFunction [ ] = chartscores ( scorse )& pie chart For total Auburn and opponents pointsCOMP 1 20 0m - 2019 sp - assigns - p . 1 of 3\
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