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This week your Fiction Project assignment (below) is about Point of View. Pay attention to how this assignment might affect the work you are doing on your rough draft. This time, it may not affect anything, but on the other hand, it could have a big impact! Keep an open mind.

Step 1. Choose a scene and the two characters to work with. The scene you choose could be one of you have already written or one that you are planning but haven't written yet. In either case, this exercise will help you sort through the decision about the best "point of view" for your story.

Step 2. Read the "Point of View" section in Chapter 2 of your textbook before you tackle this assignment.

Step 3. Write the scene from Character A’s point of view using first person.

Step 4. Write the same scene from Character B’s point of view using the third person.

Step 5. After you finish writing your scene from two points of view, take a minute to analyze what you have on hand. Which point of view works best? Maybe you will stick with the point of view you started with. Fine! Or maybe you will decide to switch to another point of view.

Here's a thought. Some stories are told by an omniscient narrator. As your text puts it, this kind of narrator "gets into everyone's mind in turn." Maybe you will decide to go with an omniscient narrator, in which case, you could use both points of view.

What to turn in this week: Submit your sample of two different points of view of the same scene.

Developing Your Rough Draft

Keep working on the rough draft of your story. Feel free to incorporate any details from this week's exercise. This time, it may not affect anything, but on the other hand, it could have a big impact. The Rough Draft is due Week 08.

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