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Project activity week 6

 Student Project ActivityWeek 6

A.       Week 6: Section 5.3: Pro Forma Cash Budget

B.       TCOs Addressed

TCO 7: Given a historical balance sheet, historical income statement, sales forecast, assumptions and target financial ratios for a simple merchandising operation, create and evaluate pro forma financial statements

TCO 10: Given a description of a new business, new product, service or project develop, present and defend the budget

C.       Project Activity Overview—Scenario/Summary

Use the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx and Budget Proposal Template.docx to develop pro forma cash budgets for the new business.

D.       Deliverables

Complete Section 5.3: Pro Forma Cash Budgets. Also, provide cash budgets and other supporting budget calculations in the MS Excel template tab 5.0 in Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx.

Add Section 5.3 to the Budget Proposal Template.docx and save it as YourName_Project_WK6.docx. Also add Section 5.3 to your Budget Proposal workbook.xls and save it as YourName_Worksheet_WK6.xlsx, and then upload both files to the Week 6Project Dropbox.

E.       Project Tasks

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