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Project Description: Pick one composer we studied in this course whose works you might consider adding to your personal music collection. 1) Write a brief biography of the composer that includes some
Project Description: Pick one composer we studied in this course whose works you might consider adding to your personal music collection. 1) Write a brief biography of the composer that includes some facts about him/ her that were not included in the text. 2) Then, using correct musical terminology, describe his compositions using the terminology and concepts you’ve studied in this course. 3) Finally, tell me why this composer’s works are of interest to you. If you were introducing this music to your friends or family, what would you say to get their interest? Again, make sure you use the musical vocabulary we learned in the course. Notice that there are three parts to this project: biography, description of compositions, and explanation of why this person’s work is of interest to you. Also note that section 2 is not a list of composition titles; rather, it is a description of several works that should mirror the listening guides found in your text. While the quality of your work is more important than the quantity of your words, papers should be about 3 full pages in length (double spaced, size 12 font). Remember to cite the sources you use in your research (using any standard citation method of your choice). Also, it is very important that you avoid plagiarism; be sure to reword any information you are using, or to use quotation marks and source citations for any passages you quote. Spelling and grammar will be considered when assigning your grade, so use the proofread your work! Please note: this assignment is to be done on a COMPOSER.
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************************************* ************************************** Schubert1) Write * ***** ********* ** the ******** **** ******** some facts about **** *** **** were *** ******** ** the **** Franz ******** was **** in 1797 *** ***** ***** 1828 ****** * ***** **** ** ***** a **** productive life ******** *** legacy ** *** seven symphonies ********* ** unfinished one **** *** ******** **** *** after ** died ** **** *** **** **** *** ***** and 30 pieces in ******* ***** **** ** ************ ******* ** * ****** ****** *** father ****** ***** *** ****** ******* the house Of **** surviving ******** ** ******* infancy ** **** died ******** **** composers of his **** displayed * liking for music ***** ** was ***** *** by *** *** of *** he *** already ****** *** ****** classes His ****** ****** ********* ***** *** **** and ********* composer Antonio ******* ** ****** him ******* *** * ********* ******* figure ***** W * ****** ********* *** ****** Schubert *** ******** as * teacher ********* *** ****** *** ********** ******* to ***** ***** ***** ************** *** **** the **** ** decided ** live **** ** * composer ******* of a *********** ******* ******* He **** ******* **** scholars *** ***** ***** ********** ************ ***** *** ******* **** ******* ***** ***** ******** ****** influential ** ******** numerous lieders (art ****** **** ** used ****** **** * ****** ****** **** ******** ** *** *** *** **** ******** *** ****** *** benefits **** the ******* ** *** composers’ *********** ** ** because ** *** influence **** **** ** Schubert’s **** ****** *** *** *** ******** ** ******** to composing lieders Schubert also ***** ********* ****** (Hindson ***** The ****** was ******* ********** **** *** ******* ***** *** which was ******** ** ******** ********** Germanic *********** **** ** **************** and **** ** ***** operas ******** wrote only ***** *** *** *** officially premiere ***** 70 ***** ***** his ***** ** 18972) **** using ******* ******* terminology ******** *** compositions using the *********** *** ******** ******** studied ** **** ****** *** ** * *********** of ******* ***** **** ****** ****** *** listening ****** ***** ** **** ***** ** **** ******* Abbado conducted * ****** ********** It had ***** **** ****** ********* surpassing **** *** ******** ** *** **** ******* mainly ******* ** various ****** **** had been ******* The ***** ******* exhibits some ** *** ****** ***** **** **** ** *** other ***** pieces * * ******** ******** ***** by ***** which *** *** redeeming ******* He ******* ***** ***** ** 1500 ***** ********* of ************ collections ******** and ******* He *** 600 ****** both piano *** **** voice ** *** ************ ** **** *** ******** **** 150 part songs ** ********** pieces *** 20 ***** stage **** like ***** *** ****** *** output ********* ******** ******* overtures *** ****** symphonies (Kamien 2015) ** for his ******* ***** ** ********* ** over ** quartets *** ***** ******** **** *** trios Publication of *** compositions ** use ** opus number ** **** ******* him *** ****** his ******** After *** ***** *** ********** opus numbers **** allocated ** *** *** ************ ***** 1867 ******** ****** ** * website that provides facsimiles ** Schubert’s autographs *********** *** ***** editions of his ***** ***** ** *** ***** ***** ** not **** music ** ** ***************** ******* **** ** *** **** ************ ***** *** of ******** to *** ** *** **** *********** this music ** **** ******* ** ****** what would *** *** ** *** ***** attention? (explanation of *** this ********** **** ** ** ******** ** **** **** his ******* ******* he ****** great promise **** he ******* *** ****** from *** father *** ***** from *** ******* ** * **** ***** *** ** 17 ***** ** ****** ** the same school **** his ****** *** *** *** ************ ***** three ***** ** quit ********* ** ********* *** 15 ***** ****** *** death ****** ********* ** sent **** of *** ******* to *** ***** of *** ********** German ****** ****** ******** *** Goethe Such ** ******* ** ***** Panic which ***** the **** ** a ********* ********** **** ** *** ***** ** * *** ** **** *** *** **** ***** ** ** not **** ************ ****** *** he ** ***** as *** ***** ****** of ******** leadSchubert ******** as **** ********* pieces **** ** string ******* number 14 ** * ***** ***** *** *** ****** ****** they never *** ** ******** ******* ** ******** *** ****** of ****** *** ********* ** a pallbearer ** **** **** *** ***** ****** *** ***** **** **** than ** ****** **** ** live ********* **** **** *** ******* ** *** **** ** Beethoven *** **** * ******** ******** *** *** know **** *** ***** **** ** ******** ***** the ***** ** Beethoven And ** ** within *** few ********* ****** **** ****** to find his answers ** **** ** **** *** ***** ********* ** *** **** **** ** ******* from *** ******* of Beethoven *** ******** that ** *** ****** ****** his heir ****** ** **** at the age of ** ** *** ********* **** ***** by his ****** *** ******** *** buried ***** ****** *** *** ****** hopes’ **** *** **** that ******** ***** really achieved full ******** ** *** ****** began (Palisca 2017) ****** undervalued ** **** young and *** not gain public *********** ***** **** *** ****** ** ******* He was ***** ****** ******** ****** of the ******* *** ***** ** *** a ****** **** that **** *** teach ********* *** songs express ******** ******* ***** too ****** ** is among *** ****** *** ******* *** popular It can ** **** ** *** * ************ classical composer ReferenceHindson M (2007) ***** *********** ******* *** **** * ******** * ****** Music: ** ************* *** ***** p *** – ********** * ****** Norton ********* ** ******* ***** Vol 14(2) * 41 ***