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Project Planning In this assignment, you will continue working on the project plan that you began last week, attached. Just like in Unit II, you will be responding to prompts within a template. Templa

Project Planning

In this assignment, you will continue working on the project plan that you began last week, attached. Just like in Unit II, you will be responding to prompts within a template. Template and last weeks plan is attached

Your completed document should be at least two pages in length. Once you have completed the template, save the document and upload it.

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**** *** *** Walk *************** complete *** *********** ***** ***** ** the ******* *** **** ****** *** **** ******* ************* ******* Diagram: Project *************************** *********** *************** promotional materialReceiving ***************** ******* ************************************************ ** the ******** path ** **** *********** ******** **** ** *** project involves *** ******* path **** ***** the ******* duration *** project *** *** ******** **** ** securing *** ******* route ***** ****** ****** on *** **** **** ** the ******* The ******** **** ******** *** ******* that ******** ******** ********* *** ********* ********* *** ******** **** will ****** ******** ** *** two ****** ** ***** the ******* ** expected to **** The **** **** ***** with sourcing *********** equipment ***** **** **** **** ** ** **** to *** ****** *** proceeds of *** ********* **** *** **** ******* source for the projectThe ******** **** ***** **** *** ******* ****** last *** at ***** ***** weeks *** printing ** promotional ******** **** **** ************ time ****** the ****** sales start ***** *** ******** ** **** ** *** *** ** the ***** ** ** ****** *** same **** that ********* that are *** aligned with the sell ** *********** **** ** ****** ***** *** **** the ***** **** **** ***** ** ***** awareness on ************** ** *** **** project ***** ** affected ** ****** in *** ******** **** and how *** ***** get the project **** on ******** ** **** delays ************ ** a *********** **** those ********** ** provide the branded *********** ***** ***** *** ************ **** not **** ** ******** *** **** it **** **** ******** *** ******** **** ** offered ** * ***** ***** *** completion of the ******** will ********* the success of the critical **** It is **** ******** **** the ******** could ******* the wrong ****** on *** ********* *********** In **** * ******** the organization **** **** ** **** *** ******** ** ******* ******** ** **** ** prudent ** ***** ** the ******* ******** ** ****** assurances ****** making the ***** ** **** ** * ******* in labeling *** ******** **** have ** make *** *********** ** ***** expense The ****** **** **** be ********* if the ******** *** strict ***** ***** *** mistakes **** ** ** *** ******* ** *** ******** That **** ****** *** *********** ** ***** **** ***** financial compensation when ****** occur ** *** supplier’s endAnother ***** ***** ***** ** *** merchandize ** sold *** *** event *** *** of *** ******* is ** ***** ***** which ******** a good **** ***** in selling the *********** **** ****** ** ******* ** *** ******* ****** in ******* *** *********** **** **** for **** ********** to help move *** ******* It ** ******** ** ***** ********* ********* ** *** ********** ** ********* that *** ********* goals *** ****************** ** ******* **** *** **** ********* and *** **** WBS ******* ***** ************* project ** ******** to **** $ **** *** ****** ** *** at **** ****** ***** **** ** the activities will **** ********* ** organizational resources The ****** ****** ******* ** ********** *** ******** *********** *** **** *** ***** ********** **** mostly rely on ********** ******* ********** **** emerged among *** ********* ** ***** ********* and **** ** *** project *** ******** of ******* will go ** * ***** party depending ** ***** price and ********** ******* ** ** ***** on ********* *** end ** ********* The ******* ****** roughly **** *** and * half ****** *** **** ******** ** ***** ***** ***** *** **** few ******** ** ***** In ******** **** one **** ******** a *********** ***** hence *** project ******** *** ***** ************ *** ******** **** **** **** require ********** time ** **** *** *** donors and **** to willing ************ *** *********** ****** ****** ****** three ***** ** the start ** *** ******* *** **** of *** *********** *** ** ****** ********* ******** ***** **** the *** ** *** ***** ******* *** ***** ****** ** **** since the ****** promotions will **** informed *** ********* ** the ******* The timing will mostly ****** on *** ***** *** **** will ** ******* ******* *** ********** ******* ** ********* ******* *********** WBS impacts *** ********* since ** informs the ******* ******* on the ******* *** unrelated ***** The ************ ** the items will ********* *** **** it ***** ** ******** certain elements *** reveals *** ************* *** planning *** budgeting The WBS **** show *** ******** way ** ********** *** ******** *** ******** ************** ***** ** ******** ******* *** *********** ******** ******** will **** in identifying ************ items ** *** ******* It **** ********* ********** ***** ******* to ***** cost estimate *** paths ******* the project **** ****** in narrowing **** *********** *** ********** of ********* WBS **** **** help in ******** ********* ***** **** will be *********** in *** **** *** **** *********

Click here to download attached files: UnitIII_ProjectTopic_Template (1)(1).docx
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