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Project Technology Governance Plan

Need by Saturday Evening.


  • Baltzan, P., and Phillips, A. (2015). Business Driven Information Systems (5th ed).
  • Week 2 articles and videos
  • It is recommended students search the Internet for a Project Technology Governance Plan template.

Scenario: You are an entrepreneur in the process of researching a business development idea. As you create a high-level Information Technology (IT) strategy for your new enterprise, it is important to consider the administration of IT resources. A Technology Governance plan will guide enterprise technology management practices in the context of your goal to incorporate business driven IT. The Technology Governance Plan is intended to provide a high-level guide for the management of IT resources. The Technology Governance Plan is a working document that is expected to change over time as new project details emerge. 

Createa high-level Project Technology Governance Plan for your project in a minimum of 1,050 words that includes the following information: 

  • A description of the governance framework the organization will use to manage the oversight and use of IT
  • A summary of the ethical considerations in the IT governance process
  • An overview of how IT governance will influence strategic planning

Citea minimum of 3 peer-reviewed references from the University of Phoenix Library. 

Format consistent with APA guidelines. 

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