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PROMPT: You are historians from the future, and your task is to create a digital exhibit that chronicles the evolution and impact of U.S. counterterrorism and antiterrorism strategies. This project re

PROMPT: You are historians from the future, and your task is to create a digital exhibit that chronicles the evolution and impact of U.S. counterterrorism and antiterrorism strategies. This project requires you to analyze historical data, synthesize information into interactive formats, and present your findings to an audience of your peers and instructors.

ASSIGNMENT: Write a 4-page double-spaced paper with a reference page on your counterterrorism and antiterrorism exhibit. DO NOT USE AI. 

How to structure your paper:

Introduction Panel: Provide a concise overview of the exhibit and its historical significance.

Tools and Techniques Hall: This hall summarizes counterterrorism methods, with interactive case studies and media highlighting specific operations and tools.

International Cooperation Wing: Analyze significant international partnerships, treaties, and joint operations, focusing on their outcomes and ongoing initiatives.

Challenges Corridor: Examine major challenges, controversies, and public debates surrounding national security policies, supplemented with interactive polls, opinion pieces, and ethical dilemma discussions.

Paper requirements:

- 4-page double-spaced

- size 12 font

- Do not use AI

- use credible sources

- in-text citations and resource page required. 

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