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Proposal Policy EssayTopic: Homeless veterans with PTSDMLA formatFirst, check intructions in the attached doc below

Proposal Policy  Essay

Topic:  Homeless veterans with PTSD

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******* nameProfessor ** Instructor ************ ******** **** PTSD27th ******** ***************** ******** **************** ** many *** ****** *** ** ******* unimaginable ****** *** ********** **** ** safeguard our borders *** ****** *** ****** ** ***** ******* citizens **** ***** **** **** a ********** **** ** ********* **** *** *** safe ****** *** ******* *** **** **** ******* after ******* ** *** ******** * *** ** ******** **** themselves ** *** jaws of ******* ************ and ********** ***************** does the ******* ***** from?One in ***** five ******** *** **** **** **** ******** countries ****** **** a ********* known ** Post-Traumatic ****** Disorder ************** ******** **** ********* ****** after one *** been ********* to extreme trauma ** ************ * **** death event If left ********* **** *** **** to ********** confusion intensely ***** ********** and *** lead ******* ** ****** suicide in **** ************* This ** ********** when someone feels ****** *** a ****** ***** **** happened and resorts to ****** *** *** **** **** ****** its ******* ** ***** violently in some situations ** ***** ** ********* unnatural ways ** most ********* **** **** ** *** trigger *** spark *** a ***** of reaction **** ******* *** of * *** ** **** * *** ***** may ******* ********** ** *** ***** with explosions *** ******* ******* ****** anxiety *** ********* ******** ******** *** ****** *** with women accounting for * mere 9% ***** *** ** all ******** adults *** ************** Over *** years ****** ****** ******** **** been ********* **** **** ** * ***** number *** **** from ****** ****** ********************** Veterans ********** Center) Most of **** are **** homeless ***** ********* **** mental illnesses ********* ********** ******* *** substance ***** **** ** ******* ******** *** **** ****** networks **** *** veterans are left stranded between * **** *** a hard *********** ***** for *** veterans *** ** *** **** ***** ***** ****** ** to afford a ******* It should ** ********* **** ***** ****** ******** * roof **** their **** ********** ** ***** situation * *** ** ************* *** building homes *** ******** *** ******* **** *** ** long ** **** ***** need through ****** *********** Homes **** ***** **** ******** ******** * ****** ****** and * platform by ***** **** *** ******* ********** again One *********** ****** ** ***** ***** ** the ******* to provide ******** with mental ********** *** ****** to ********** to recover from *** ********* ***** ***** **** the ******** feel more ** **** and comfortable **** ****** ****** *** *** more ****** to ********** **** than ***** civilian ************ ** **** **** of *********** recovery **** **** ** ****** *** *** ************* *** even ** * **** ******* ** ********* *** ********* a veteran to * *** **** *** ** Department ** ******* Affairs ** * ********** that ******** ******* ******** *** patient care ** ******** ******** *** *** ****** *** ****** ** them(Veteran ******** *** **** *** * ****** where it ******** ******** ** **** trained veterans for * particular *** **** *** ******** *** *** **** ** ****** *************** ***** enabling **** ** *** back on their **** **** * ****** ****** ** ****** veterans *** ****** decent ******* ****** ***** **** ******* *** *** ** **** * *********** The ********** of ******** ***** *** ******** ***** *** **** ******* *** ******** themselves *** *** ********* as a whole ******* ***** *** ******** **** **** ** care about **** **** after their service ** **** and **** *********** *** ** *** honor to our country as * ***** Future *********** **** *** **** to **** *** **** ** **** **** **** ***** ** ********* just ** **** approximately ******* ** **** in *** ****** ** their ******* ** ******* them **** ** care ** encourage **** people ** **** *** **** ******* **** they **** have ** **** ** **** **** **** **** ****** *** ********* *** **** ******* ** ****** * ********* that ** ***** ** ********** *** **** **** **** ****** ** the **** ** ******* ******** ******** ***** **** **** ******* even ***** ***** ***************** Solutions) **** veterans **** ******* **** **** as they ***** **** **** ** the **** **** **** ***** ***** ****** ** an individual ************ is *** ** **** *** ******** ***** **** **** ********** ** develop **** ********* more substantial ***** ******* To * *** ** ****** ***** ** *** **** ** **** **** * *** ****** this ******** leads ** *** **** ** *** family ****** of ****** *** ***** ******** *** children are ******** affected ** their breadwinner becoming ********* of ********* **** *** lead to ******* family breakups *** ** **** ***** affect *** mental health ** the ******** Children *** **** *** their elder ******** ****** **** *** with **** **** ****** *********** ******** ** *** ********* ** *** ****** *** can ********** ****** their ****** ** ****** Having * ***** **** can **** **** *********** regain ***** social ****** ** ********* *** *** ****** * *** ** ******** *** ****** related misunderstandingsConclusion ******* * **** ** one ** *** **** fundamental ****** ***** ***** ******* a **** it becomes difficult ** **** * *** get **** to ****** or **** **** **** *********** ******* *** ****** ***** ******** is making strides ******* ending homelessness ***** veterans *** *** ******** *** ******* ***** **** ****** who ***** *** our ******** ******* ***** and recognition; ** **** to personally ******** **** *** ***** ***** *** ****** illnesses *** sacrificed ** *** heroes ** **** you don’t have ** go ******* that ****** As army men ******** dedicated their ******* ** ** and as they retire ** ****** be *** responsibility ** ****** *** service *** ******* to **** An *********** to housing homeless ******** ** Community ********* where ************* *** ****** ************* centers *** returning ****************** ********** These **** can ** **** ** the ******** ** ******** their ***** ***** ****** ******** for ********** ************* *** enable **** ** ********** back ** ******** life successfully Our ****** ******** to ** ******* *** ***** ** can ** ** ensure * **** **** their ***** ******************** CitedCommunity ********* ** *************************************************************** ** ******** ************ Veterans ********** ****** ** https://wwwbenefitsgov/benefits/benefit-details/5891 24 ******** 2017NCHV ** http://nchvorg/indexphp/news/media/background_and_statistics/ ** ******** 2017Veteran Affairs ** ************************** 24 November ******

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