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Proposal project

Project Proposal - get your ideas down on paper, this will give you a point from which to begin. Email me with ANY questions. A few helpful hints for the Proposal:

A. Your business / service may be real or made up. Feel free to create realistic data to support. Your campaign should be ‘new’ and not a mocked up version of something that already exists. B. Student samples attached were actual projects submitted. They do vary - choose the style that most fits your learning style and build from it.C. You must create benchmarks and measurements - (ie: The proposal will create a 20% increase in MRIs during the first quarter) Have a few of these.D. The George Days RWW is REQUIRED for every paper (include visual and summary)E. The Environmental Scans are required – 1 of the 5 presented in the module (include visual and analysis discussion)F. You want to evaluate and project. (If the 20% benchmark for utilization of MRIs is not met each quarter for the first year, we will relook at the marketing campaign and adjust to the needs of the target market). G. You can have a conclusion, summary or a Forecast - Any of these should include your short term and long term projections.H. The Executive Summary replaces the abstract.I. Use APA Formatting throughout. J. Remember this is a proposal NOT a business plan for an entire start up - but a budget is required.

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