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Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: In what ways do your ontological (worldview) and epistemological (knowledge construction) perspectives align with (or do not align wit

Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: In what ways do your ontological (worldview) and epistemological (knowledge construction) perspectives align with (or do not align with) the world Englishes paradigm. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. World Englishes Paradigm ENGL 754/854: World Englishes in Composition & Applied Linguistics Dr. Gloria Park World Englishes Paradigm To effectively respond to the question, one needs to content that one’s understanding of the World Englishes (WE) paradigm follow Kachru and Smith’s (1985) explanation of the term where “”Englishes” symbolizes the functional and formal variation in the language, and

its international acculturation.. and in the traditional English-using countries… The language now belongs to those who use it as their first language, and to those who use it as an additional language, whether in its standard form or in its localized forms” (Kachru & Smith, 1985, p. 210. cited in Bolton, n.d., p. 368).

As such, one’s ontological and epistemological perspectives actually align with WE paradigm in terms of recognition, commitment, and firm belief that ‘English’ as an international language has evolved through time with increasing importance being acknowledged through its evident use as a universally known and accepted language. Using this premise, one’s knowledge construction on the subject, seen as a potential opportunity not only to expand personal understanding and depth of the language, per se. but more so, as a means of professional livelihood, justify the need to confirm alignment with the WE model. Therefore, through being more culturally aware of diversity in the use of English, either as a first, second, or additional language, one confirms that learning more about WE would be instrumental in echoing the relevant concepts that would be learned from this model.

As more educators, like me, recognize that learning and teaching WE should be shared on a more global scale, acknowledging that learning and teaching English requires recognizing its multiple variants aligns with the WE concept. The growth and advancement being experienced in all societies worldwide confirm that applying the WE concepts would contribute to greater understanding and facilitate teaching English using the WE paradigm.


Bolton, K. (n.d.). 15 World Englishes. Retrieved from

Kachru, B. B. & Smith, L. E. (1985). Editorial. World Englishes, 4, 209–12.

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