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Provide an introduction that defines both technology and social change, and discusses how they are related.Discuss the impact of the personal computer, cellular phones, and the Internet on society.Usi

Provide an introduction that defines both technology and social change, and discusses how they are related.

Discuss the impact of the personal computer, cellular phones, and the Internet on society.

Using the three major sociological perspectives, describe the equilibrium model, the digital divide, and cultural lag in relation to these technologies and social change.

Include how technology has influenced social epidemiology, health and the environment.

Explore a recent or emerging form of technology and discuss its potential benefits or consequences for society.

Provide a conclusion that summarizes key points.

Cite at least three academic, peer-reviewed sources and two popular magazines.

Format your references according to appropriate course level APA guidelines. Include citations in the speaker notes or in a separate reference list.

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************************** is essentially *** *********** of science to solve ******** ** encompasses the knowledge techniques *** ********* **** *** ** ******** ** ******** ** ****** *** efficient solution ** * ******* ****** change ****** ** *** ************** of ******* ********** ******** *** social ************ **** **** ****** change ******* all *** **** ********** is *** ** the **** ******* ********* ******* which ****** change ********* ***** ****** ****** ** ********* deliberate ** *** **** be ********** **** ** the ************ **** have been wrought by ********** **** unimagined **** * *** ******* **** **** ****** ******* *** **** **** *********** than others Technological ******* **** as ** computing ******** *** ******* ************ **** *** * **** ****** ** ***************** influences *** ******* of *** ***** ** ******* ** the ******** ******** ***** ************** access ** *********** *** ** * result hugely ******* ********** ********** ******** and ******** life ********* have **** resulted in *** ********** ** ********** tasks *********** monotony ***** ******** ** efficiency *** accuracy ******* ********* ******* can be **** ************** ********* ** ******** accuracy *** reliability in *********** ********** ******* ********* have **** ******** ** ******* ******* **** include ********* ********** that **** ******** as * consequence ** people ******** *** **** playing ***** ** ******* *** *** *********** ********* ****** **** resulted ** **** **** consequences ***** include obesity *** **** ****** isolation Excessive *** of ********** *** ******** ** family *** ******* interruptions Spending too much **** on ****** ******* *** **** ** difficult to ***** *** *** also strain relationships between ********* internet *** changed how people ******** **** **** other ** *** **** ******** *** ********** ** ********** ****** ******* ****** use *** internet ********** and PCs ** **** in ***** **** friends *** internet has also ************** entertainment **** *********** *** ***** ********* to *** ******** facilitating ************* **** has *** *** impact ** ******** *** gap ******* ************* and ********** own ***** ******* the ******** *** *** **** also ******** in ************ ** *************** ***** **** ****** ** **** ********* **** ****** to cutting **** technology ******* others are ********** ************* Not everyone *** ***** ****** ** ********** *** **** *** ******** to inequalities resulting **** ******* ******* ** ********** ********** *** *** *** ****** of ******** *** ********** gap ******* *** ***** ** ************* ********************** ****** and *** ********* *** Digital divide is the ************ ****** ** technology ********* ** one’s ****** class Knowledge *** ** *** ********** *** *********** **** in *********** for those *** have limited ****** to ********************* ****** ** * state of ******* ** ** *** ******** ** * ****** ****** ** ****** to *** ******** ****** ** *** ***** change ** a ****** ******* ** precede by changes ** ***** ******** ***** ******** *** ******* ********** *** ************* perspective ********** on what maintains **** ******* ** society Functionalist **** ******* ** its ******* state as being ****** and ** equilibrium(Powell 2013) ************ *********** ****** problems ********* those ******* ** ********** **** represent * ********* rift ** the ****** order ********* to ******** *********** change *** **** * ******** **** ** remedying ****** ********** such ** ************ *** injustices ******** theorists ***** **** *** society’s ******* *** privileged ensure the ****** quo ** ***** *** ********** ****** ********** favor them ******** ****** ** ************ such ** ******** *** mobile ********* are thus ********* and ****** ** ***** to ******** social ****** *** *** ******* ** ***************** ****** is * ****** ***** ***** refers ** *** ****** ********** ******* those **** have ****** to *********** *** ************* ************ *** ***** **** ** ************ ***** ***** ***** From *** ******** *********** ********** ********** *** ******* divide ** ********** inequalities ***** *********** in ******* ********* ********** ***** voice to *** **** ******** and ***** ** need to ***** tools ** ***** **** **** **** disenfranchised *** symbolic ************** *********** ***** ********* ** * **** of ********** ** regard ** *** ******* ****** **** *** ******* ******* **** ** ** ************ success *** to *** ** ********** *** ************* *********** ******* ** how ********** *********** ** *** smooth *********** ** ******* *** ******* ** ** ********** ** ******** ** ********** ** grow ** develop *********** ** social ***** and the ****** *********** ** ******* ********** ***** a life-changing **** ** society **** ************* ********* ************* and **** ** *** ************* ******* ****** ****** ** ********** *** ** ********** ** society and *********** ** ****** ************* *** ****** ** the **** that ******* responds ****** ** technological innovations which can ****** ** social problems **** *** ******** *********** ******** *** *** ****** problems *** society ** causing a ********* ** ****** ******** ******* to ****** *************** ***** ** ********** this ** ********* ** ******** of ************ ***** the **** skilled due ** ************* advances **** have resulted ** automation *** *** ************* of the *** ***** **** Technological ******** have ******** *** ****** obsolete *** this *** ******** in conflict *** advances ** ******* ********** *** instance ***** * ****** ** ***** ******** This range **** **** **** ******** ** ********** ****** ******* ******* ******** *** ******* ** ******* ******* is a ***** ***************** refers ** *** ***** of *** ******** ****** and impact ** ******** ** * ******* ********** ****** ************ ** concerned with ****** ************ *** social factor ********* ****** *************** **** ** ***** *********** such ** ********** ** ***** ** better ********** the ******** ****** *** ******* ** ******* ********** can **** *************** ** *** ********** ******** and ************* ** data *** of technology *** ********** to ********* efficiency ** ******* surveillance and ****************** ***** ****** ***** ****** ****** results have *** ******** been ********** **** to map *** break out and spread ** *** **** *** ******** ******* *** ******* of searches ******* ** *** **** *** use ** ********** *************** *** make efficient use of **** *** ***** *********** *********** that boost *** ************* of proximate and ****** ****** of ****************** *** **** had * *** ****** on ****** ** a ***** ********** *** **** key ** ******* improvements ** ********** Technology has *** instance made ******* care safer *** more reliable **** *** mostly been ******** ******* ********** Health ******* ****** ****** *** ********** *** access real-time patient **** *** share ** *********************** ***** ****** 2014) This *** ******* the ***** of **** *** efficiency **** ******** ******* ********** ** **** *** to ****** and more ********** ********* This ** ******* ******** ** *********** ********** have opened ** * ****** ** avenues for research which has made ********** **** ********* Technology *** **** *** both negative and positive ******* ** *** *********** ***** ********** has *** ** *** ********* ** ****** ********* **** conserve ****** ******* increased ********** *** automation ******* ******** of ******* ************* ********** **** as ******** ********* *** ******** ** environmental pollution   References Cohen * ***** Kennedy P ****** ****** ********* *** ***** *** **** ********** ************ * (2016) Technology ********** and ******* *** ***** RoutledgeGlandon * & ****** * (2014) *********** ******* *** ********** ********** ******** ****** ************** ************* * ***** Moore * (2014) ********* ******** ** science technology and ******* *** ***** RoutledgePowell * ****** Issues ** ********* *** ***** Nova ******* **********

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