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Provide your own examples of the difference between moral and non-moral norms. Describe the basic moral and business issue which is defined in the...

  1. Provide your own examples of the difference between moral and non-moral norms.
  2. Describe the basic moral and business issue which is defined in the Merck case.
  3. Define the difference between a descriptive study and a normative one.
  4. Describe the case for business ethics.
  5. What is intuition? Does culture influence intuition?
  6. Please give examples of:
  7. The Action Principal
  8. The Intention Principal
  9. The Contact Principal
  10. What is meant by "an ethic of care"?
  11. Describe the X-System and C-System Process.
  12. What does John Locke mean by "state of nature"?
  13. Describe what Adam Smith means by "the invisible hand."
  14. How did Von Mises and Fredrich Hayek support Smith's theory?
  15. Describe the various criticisms of Adam Smith
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