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This exam can be completed in weeks 9, 10, or 11, but the certificate of completion must be submitted in the "Peregrine Assessment Exam Certificate Upload Area" located in Week 9.

Masters Student Registration Instructions:

  1. Click the "Click here to take your Peregrine Assessment" link above.
  2. Enter your Student ID and select your Program.
  3. Click "Confirm"
  4. To take the exam:
    1. Select the hyperlink under "Thank you, your course/exam is ready", then "Begin Exam"
    2. When finished, save the completion certificate and upload via the Click here to submit your Peregrine Assessment link in Week 9.

For additional information, technical support specific to the Peregrine exam, or answers to some Frequently Asked Questions about the Peregrine Exam, please visit Peregrine’s Technical / Customer Support Website.

Note: If you need to contact Peregrine for technical support, please also keep your instructor informed of the issue(s) you are experiencing.

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