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Purpose of Assignment In this assignment, you apply integrated office software and social media applications to resolve specific business needs. Assignment Steps Resources: Microsoft® Office Help and

Purpose of Assignment

In this assignment, you apply integrated office software and social media applications to resolve specific business needs.

Assignment Steps


  • Microsoft® Office Help and Training
  • Other tutorials available online

Create a 15- to 20-slide presentation on the benefits of using social media and cloud-based software to promote and run a business. Include the following:

  • Research at least four different social media applications that can be used to promote and/or conduct business.
    • Explain the rationale and benefits to using them in the workplace, such as why or how they increase productivity.
    • Describe the potential risks that a business should be aware of when considering using these tools.
    • Discuss any additional technology considerations that should be considered before using these types of tools.
  • Evaluate the benefits of using cloud-based and integrated software solutions to complete business projects, and provide two or three examples.
  • Discuss new technologies and trends that may impact future business solutions.
  • Explain how consumer or market changes help drive updates in business workflows and productivity software use.
  • Discuss ethical implications associated with unsecured financial transactions, the potential leak of personal data, unsolicited communication, or other questionable activities.
  • Provide a summary of your research and conclusions.

Use speaker notes to expand ideas beyond the slide bullet points, and include research supporting your comparisons. 

Cite a minimum of four sources, formatted according to APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Used with permission from Microsoft.

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*** ****************************************** ********** 530Date:           For ******** the **** ****** ** **** off a layoff ** to ** ******** *** ***** close *** ****** should ******* ** *** ******** ***** *** ******** **** **** *** ***** ********* It ** good *** a ******* ** ** **** tell *** ***** ****** *** *** ******** why ********* *** ******** and why his ****** is compulsory *** clarification ****** ** **** **** ******** ******** ** ** organization has ** suspend ** employee *** *** low *********** **** *** manager should tell *** and ****** ******* solid justification ** ** *** ****** ** going ** *** other department Propose three *** that a ******* *** **** **** *** negative ******** **** *** ********* ** ******** ******** ** ******** *** ******* ** manage negative_emotions **** consistently ***** ** associations ********* ** *************** *********** **************** ****** ******* *** *********** manager cancope **** disturbance ** ceasing *** ********* ** *** ********* ************ anticipating rationally *** ask you *** **** **** reason you *** aggravated *** ***** ***** a ******** ************ The ***** ****** locate **** positive ***** of the circumstance *** instance some_employees would not **** **** ***** activities ***** cause disappointment *** **** ***** *** **** ** **** *** *** ******* *** ******** ******** * *********** with *** previousfailure *** ******** how **** escaped ***************** ******* needs to ***** ** ******* ** the *********** **** can be accomplished *** ******* *** ***** *********** of ********* and **** ****** **** ********* ** ** *************** *** ******* can ******** imagine ********** ** displeasure tossing * **** ** representatives *** ********* ** ***** this **** help them to *** *** ******** effects ** brutality *** chief ****** **** ***** **** *********** **** ***** their **** and **** * **** ****** ********** ****** *** ***** ******************* ** whether ******* *** the *********** three different ways **** a ******** ***** to negative ******** ** indicating ******* ******* unmistakably with *************** *** enable workers to **** * ******* ** hard *** a whole ************ ******* more ** *** *** *************** *** ******* feelings **** be ***** Individuals *** vexed helpless *** ********* ******* ************ **** **** ****** who **** ***** ********* ******* ***** ** ********** when **** **** **** ******* *** **** ***** laid *** ** ******** sympathy ***** *** probability ** * ***** ** brutality *********** ***** sentiments **** ****** you to ****** them ** proceed ****** *** ** ************ *** ***** *********** **** you *** ********** *** *********** ********* *** ******* ********* and brief **** dispose of *** ******** ******** also *** more you ***** **** them ** ****** ********* the **** ******* they **** **** ** * ****** of being ***** in Representatives ********** that ******* *** ******* particularly ****** * ********* ********* *** **** simply know **** the **** **** they *** prepare The **** data **** ** ***** *** **** *********** the ******* **** ******** appear ************ the ************ ** ********** enable representatives ** **** ***** dissatisfaction ******* *** ************* to **** ** *** *** *************** but ****** ******** **** ** **** ** their ** and coming *** **** far At the ***** **** directors attempt to smother *************** feelings **** makes ******** **** *** ************* ** ********* along ***** ***** *** **** *********** ** ** **** venting sessions **** *** **** **** ******* *** talk about ***** ******** ** ************** ***** *** termination Describe a step-by-step process ** conducting *** dismissal *********** * ******** chooses to layoff or ********** an *********** ********* the **************** *** ******** the **** will ******** ** ********** *** ********** *** ** long as *** ******** reason ** ************* ******** ideally **** **** limit *** ************* *** make ****** as simple as could ********** be ******** ******* ** * ********** **************** is imperative *** ***** ** ** ** close *** ******** ******* ought ** ********* *** secretly ** *** *********** *** **** *** gathering ** * **** secretly away from different **************** ****** ********* *** gathering within *** ***** ** ** ******** ** *********** *** *** ********* ought ** ** brief ***** *********** likewise ****** the workers ought *** ** ******** ** * ****** Expulsions **** the get-go ** the **** ****** *** individual * ****** to *** *********** ** **** ** ******* another **** of **** *** ******** *** ******* ** the **** ********* *** **** ****** *** be" ******** *** Brown ***** Employeesshould ** accepting *** point ** point **** ** *** **** *** being ***** *** ****** **** *** employee(s) comprehends *** *** end ** ********* ***** ought ** decrease *** ******** *** *** ************ terminationlawsuits ** **** last ******* **** *** assurance is ********** **** ** ******* of *** ********* ****** **** **** ** ***** upon ********* *** ****** *** *** organization's property *** ******* ** *************** organization Visas **** *** **************** *** ************ **** *** fictitious ******* *** ******* ** *** ********* ********** an ************ **** * ******** of severance ******* *** the ********************* ***** are variables ** ******** First *** ******* **** be ******** * ******* *** health ********* ****** ** ***** *** an ******** ****** *********** the ****** ***** ** **** *** ****** to gather *********** ******** ***** ******* *** new *** There is no ***** ********* for * ******** to ****** **** ****** * terminatedemployee(s) *** *** **** ***** ***** ** incorporate the ************* *** *** by *** ***** ** ***** *** every ***** **** **** ** *** ******* *** **** of the ***** *** *********** utilized and ** ******** to agree to the ************** ******** ********** as ******** whether ***** *** *** get-away **** ought ** ** ************ *** **** arrangement ** ** ******* *** ********** ** ***** **** *** ********* *********** *** final payment ** *** *********************** ********* **** or ** ********** **** as Open ****** ****** * ***** **** depicts *** ******** of *** disbursement of *** compensationPer *** ******** ***** ***** ******* **** ******** *** given ** the ******** of a ****** The ******* of ********** ** employee ** ********* *** under ********* ********** **** ****** upon *** ******** length of ************** *** the ******* ** *** time ** thelayoff    EmployeeHired ********* Month *********** AppraisalWith ***** ********************* ******************** With ********* *** *********************************** Decreased ** Merits  Overtime ********* ** ******** ****** ******** ** ****************************************************** ***** ******* ***** *** **** **** **** layoff *** ****** *** ************ **** **** layoffs ****** ******* ** loyalty *** ************ *** performance ** the ***** when ***** ** * ******** inside the ************ it ******* ********* ** **** ******** and ********** **** than their ******* **** obligations *** **** ***** **** *** **** ****** ** the ******* which ***** *** workplace ********* Layoffs will ***** *** company ** spend ******** ******* salary ******** *** **** is ****** ***** ******* *** *** managers ******* ******** *** *********** **** ******** Hence *** ********** it *** ** said that layoffs make *** ************ ********* **** ********* **** *** great ****** that’s needed ** *** *** ******** in *** ************************************ * (2011) A Better *** ** ********** ******* ********* *** ** **** **** ******************************************************************* ******* ****** ********** * *********** ******** ******** the ********* ********* *** ** 13 **** ************************************************************************************************************************ * * & ***** * * (2012) ***** ******** ********** **** *****

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